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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Do you guys know if Ivanov is getting a 2nd release?
  2. Hmmmmmmmmmm. According to Amazon Japan the whole Limited Edition boxset will run $82 shipped. BTW. Are you guys sure I won't need a HD-DVD/Blu-Ray Player for this?
  3. OMG those dogfighting pics are awesome. Thanks for the link charger69!
  4. SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET Sharon Apple cosplay. Where did that take place polidread? Mega Mall?
  5. UN Spacy

    My Double D's

    What a lovely pair of double 1d's.
  6. I love how he uses tracing paper on top of the lego photos to help finalize the design.
  7. Thank god for folks like sketchley and kresphy who can translate for us non Japanese speaking MW'ers.
  8. I've never had a problem with HLJ.com over the last five years I've been doing business with them. Their last shipment which was sent thru SAL shipping only took 9 (that's right NINE) days. That's even faster than EMS and the package was just as pristine. Maybe you guys are just unlucky.
  9. If Simon can forgive Rossiu for putting him in jail and sentencing him to execution. Then I can forgive Bandai for giving Macross the cold shoulder for the last ten years.
  10. REALLY? This is rather shocking news. Isn't it more common to stretch a 26 to 27 episode series out over 8 or 9 DVD's?
  11. The folks at Yamato are CRAAAAAAAAZY for not making this into a 1/60 perfect transformation. Again, SUPERB work PetarB!
  12. The funny thing is that it's the same text used on the R2 release. Although, I think it looks better executed in this version superimposed on top of of the clear casing
  13. The OVA was just silly fun. It added nothing new to the main story aside from some friggin furries. I'm not sure how legit this image is, but this could be ADV's Region 1 boxart for GL.
  14. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. I think it was well after the release of Yamato's first Macross Plus lineup. Yamato was close to releasing the 1/60 VF-1's when I finally found out about MW. I was Googling for more infomation and found out about the old MW boards. This is almost like a second home to me.
  15. What's with all the vegetables? It just turned into an episode of Home and Garden. I guess he's trying to transform his home into something eco-friendly?
  16. Thanks for the link kresphy! Graham. The video is streaming and you have to register before watching it. ........the female host is REALLY cute.
  17. There's still five months to go, maybe they haven't even started on the accessories yet.
  18. Beautiful work PetarB! Someone needs to hit up Yamato with these beautiful images.
  19. It's also listed as Future release on my account. BTW. Do you guys know why there hasn't been a new pic of Toynami's Cyclone?
  20. Beautiful. I'll say it again......THAT is the version Wave should have released in the first place.
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