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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Now I've seen it all. Revoltech SHIRTS?!?!?!? Who's getting one? http://www.amiami.com/shop/ProductInfo/product_id/89234
  2. Good luck with the convention! Those t-shirts are beautiful.
  3. I'll wait for decent translators to get their hands on this. The RAW is good enough for me at the moment.
  4. IF they can keep track of their battle loses pertaining to fleet strength then this series will be even more spectacular. I'd hate to see the same ship names and classes showing up during tactical layout segments if they were sunk the previous episode(s). Let's hope they keep this aspect of the show scrutinized very heavily.
  5. For all the Gurren Lagann fans that just saw the premiere here's a interesting tid bit. No wonder he's so frigging awesome.
  6. I'm at 34% with another 1 HOUR 20 MINUTES to go. Currently at 86kb's. I'll keep it seeded for a long time once I'm done.
  7. Thanks for the scans Graham! Do you know if the new 1/60's will have more tampo printing?
  8. Can you also post the full page scan Graham? There seems to be other information that was cut off. You weren't kidding when you said 2008 was going to be a good year for us.
  9. I dunno about you guys but I'm staying until Graham's fix. (Cracks open the fridge and grabs a beer) Anyone else want one?
  10. I'm going to go out on a limb and say Yamato WILL release the VF-4 in a 1/60 scale. To quote The Six Million Dollar Man....."THEY HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY."
  11. I don't know about you guys. But I wanna see the rest of that article. I can barely make out the text that is VF-25 or VF-2S(S) just cut off above. There's also some Frontier news below.
  12. No worries. They're probably just waiting for a new shipment. Mine was also on backorder but were in stock within a few days.
  13. I got mine from Hobbylink Japan. http://www.hlj.com/product/KNM13489
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