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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Makes all of our collections pale in comparison.
  2. It looks like another fansub group (GATTAI) has picked up Frontier.
  3. Anyone else hoping some U.N. Spacy pilots become secondary characters? I hope it isn't all S.M.S based because it'd make for some great stories.
  4. I hope the 11 guests that're viewing this thread create their own accounts.
  5. Sorry if it's been asked before but WHAT are those spiked tips on the wings of the VF-25?
  6. When was the last time It sure was nice hearing someone say it nearly 25 years later.
  7. LOL. I expected this to be finished after I came home from the gym. Now at 92% and counting....
  8. The Frontier website was update with a few pics and description for "Hard Chase". ランカは兄オズマの差し入れを持ってSMSに向かう途中、偶然シェリルに出会う。 展望公園にたどり着いた2人の前にアルトが現れ、3人は再会を果たすが、 その上空にバジュラが大きく迫って…。 1. The Vajra fights SMS while Ozma joins the battle, encounters Sheryl by accident. 2. It arrives to view the park (ago), then Alto appears. 3. People carry out their meeting again, but バジュラ is approaching in the sky.
  9. Don't worry. It'll be corrected in the 1/60 VF-1 v3.0
  10. Great. Code Geass already has fansubs for their season premiere. What the heck is going on?
  11. As long as they're doing a good job it'll be worth the wait.
  12. Thanks for the scans Graham! Props to VF5SS for merging the pages....looks like it'll be a GREAT scene if it makes it into the anime.
  13. Quantum of Solace to take place one hour after Casino Royale's ending? Interesting. http://real-us.news.yahoo.com/s/ap/2008040...en_mo/film_bond
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