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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. I wonder what Ozma was piloting 11 years ago. Thunderbolt perhaps?
  2. NINE per DVD!?!?!?!? Who the hell do you think I am?!?!?
  3. Does anyone know what're the differences between the first and second release of Ivanov's SV-51?
  4. Great. 704x396 doesn't run choppy like the other version does.
  5. Apparently episode 02 did pretty good in the ratings (thx to westlo for the link). http://p2.chbox.jp/read.php?url=http://ex2...85941/145n-149n *2.7% (*1.1%) 04/12 (Sat) *2:10am-*2:40am TBS Macross FRONTIER
  6. ..and another MW'er joins the Wave 1/5000 Macross club.
  7. Have these been posted already? THX to whoever posted them at animesuki. Check out the head on SMS 004. Isn't that Luca's VF-25? .
  8. Figure Oh #122 scans (thx to azrael)
  9. Thanks for the scans azrael! That DX VF-25 is as good as gold. GOLD JERRY! GOLD!
  10. Thanks to Shota and the folks at AiA, those subs were perfection....
  11. You're right. If I can put up with Anime Friend's tomfoolery then magic arms shouldn't bother me.
  12. Oh yes it can. 5:34 - BOTH arms are shot off by pursuing Vajra 7:22 - Arms have magically reappeared Good job with the quality checking Satelite.
  13. Anyone else using Zoom Player for mkv's? I like the interface more than VLC's.
  14. Macross has ALWAYS been a speed oriented show. It's the Itano Circus baby...
  15. It's a miracle non of those gunpod shell casings hit Ranka.
  16. I see 2500 leechers. Anyways. 58% with another 50 mins to go.
  17. Thanks again. It's nice to see more fansubgroups stepping up for Frontier.
  18. ...at least the new Skull Squadron will have a bit more variety amongst their models.
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