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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. AiA comes thru with the QUICKNESS this week. Thanks fellas.
  2. BRAND NEW PHOTOS are up at ami ami! http://www.amiami.com/shop?vgForm=ProductI...ate=review.html
  3. I don't like it. The blues are too blue and the blacks are too black. Don't even get me started on the yellows.
  4. If Sega/AM-2 designs the next Macross game I'm sold. Their previous outing was very enjoyable.
  5. 1. Sagitarrius 9PM 2. Triangler 3. What bout my star (Ranka)
  6. Battroid Mode doesn't look transformed properly. Yes I know it's a prototype.
  7. Collection DX has reviewed Revoltech Gurren-Lagann!
  8. Thanks Ginrai. AWO is one of the few podcast's I enjoy listening to.
  9. These votes REALLY need to be made public. This IS a close knit community after all. I'd love to see who voted negative for this episode.
  10. UN Spacy

    Macross Revoltech

    I'd have to agree with GogDog on this one. All my packages were well packed and protected.
  11. Can't sleep. Clowns will eat me. Can't sleep. Clowns will eat me. Can't sleep. Clowns will eat me.
  12. If you skip the interviews it's a guilty pleasure. I've never seen so many homages crammed into one anime (a lot of which are Macross).
  13. Gurren Lagann Listed on America's Sci Fi Channel on July 28!
  14. I took the liberty to straighten,crop, and zip Renato's images. Thanks again buddy! http://www.mediafire.com/?tensgzhl1yi
  15. Hey Chewie! I might be there on Saturday. I'm itching to check out the GAINAX panel. (as well as wear the Frontier shirt)
  16. http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN953252 Does Bandai usually make more than one set?
  17. It's been suggested that the Macross Cannon is also folding the space within the blast radius. That's VERY nifty stuff if you ask me.
  18. Was Luca's RVF-25 in the same section where the carrier fired it's beam weapon from?
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