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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. THAT was fast! Props to the folks at Kei.
  2. I hope it wasn't a one time deal. They're passing up a good opportunity to introduce Diamond Squadron pilots.
  3. Has it even been confirmed if these will come with the Fast Packs?
  4. $10?
  5. You know when guys get bloody noses in animes?
  6. Graham posted scans from Great Mechanics article on the VF-25. I wonder if the HUGE skull squadron emblem will be on the DX version. What do you guys think?
  7. Kresphy and Graham THANK YOU for the wonderful scans. We all appreciate it!
  8. The DVD's are out today!?!?
  9. Yeah. Lunar's been slipping just a tad bit. Episode 12 - Reaction warheads. LOL. Episode 13 - Creamation beaker. LOL. I've been more impressed by Kei's stuff. Aside from all the F-bombs their work is pretty good.
  10. Hahahaha. I almost spit beer on the monitor.
  11. For those of you that're only getting one variant (for now) Will it be Alto or Ozma's?
  12. Does anyone know which batteries (and how many) are required for the Fold Booster? I wanna pick up a set on E-Bay before I order this.
  13. Parallel Works #4 (of 7) is out! It's probably my favorite so far. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_g49VVhiDg
  14. Does Graham know that the VF-171's actually get some action next week?
  15. I would imagine the DX version needs a bit more heft for the weighty Fast Packs.
  16. Big news from Anime Expo 2008 about the DUB cast! Bandai Entertainment held their Gurren-Lagann panel at Anime Expo TODAY! Check out the FIRST English dub trailer plus staff interviews. (part 2 of 3)
  17. I'm hoping at least one of them made it through. DAMN YOU GRACE!
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