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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Kaiyodo updated their site with pics of their September releases. Guess what? Enki will also be packed with BOTH Gurren-Lagann wings! HELL YEAH! http://www.kaiyodo.co.jp/revoltech/yamaguchi.html #60 #61
  2. Check out these pics! http://macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?show...st&p=614708
  3. Guess what folks. THIRD SEASON CONFIRMED http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2008-...oject-confirmed
  4. Where are my horrible raws? I need my FIX man!
  5. Kick space/time to the curb with this instant anime classic from Studio GAINAX, the folks who brought you FLCL and Neon Genesis Evangelion! Hehehehehe......my copy finally arrived.
  6. UN Spacy

    Macross Revoltech

    Awesome. Hikaru's about to pull an Alto.
  7. Yamato. If you're gonna focus on the 1/60's from now on then STICK WITH IT! Quit revisiting the 1/48's, 1/72's, or 1/100's just to make a quick buck. Either it's 1/60's or nothing.
  8. According to the article Enki's accessories will be: Alternate Spike-Head Chest Cannon Two Shoulder Missle Pods Two Swords + Sheaths 4 Alternate Hands Helmetless Gurren Lagann Head Stand
  9. It didn't before....but now that Yamato and Bandai seem to be releasing everything in 1/60 my opinion has changed. I hope the 1/48 lineup is dead as a doornail.
  10. 33.40 is the cost of shipping from Overdrive or HLJ.com?
  11. Wouldn't HLJ end up using EMS since the 1/60 DX would be considered a high end product? Overdrive seems like it would be the best choice, I might end up going through them since HLJ already closed preorders.
  12. You know a character is popular when Tony Taka decides to make a comic about them.
  13. Is it bugging anyone else that Frontier has been in orbit of the same planet for FOURTEEN straight episodes?
  14. I never knew folding was so FABBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBULOUS.
  15. OMG! You go Darry! Do your thang! NWS! http://www.gurren-lagann-movie.net/gurrepa...view/flash.html
  16. Apparently YouTube has been removing ALL links to Parallel Works #5 (of 7). There's nudity and sexual themes that're getting them all hot and bothered. Great. Now I really want to see it.
  17. HELL NO. Please don't whore out my Macross Big West.
  18. I hope it isn't too early to consider a second season. Do you think it's gonna happen?
  19. Anyone think Bandai already has plans for the VF-27 or VF-171? Or are they waiting for the results of sales figures on the VF-25?
  20. Anyone think Alto's due for a promotion real soon? His heroics in episode 14 certainly made him a solid candidate.
  21. Wow! A beer can homage?!?!? NICE.
  22. Klan is more popular than Sheryl or Ranka eh?
  23. You guys are gonna be so disappointed when Ranka wins.
  24. Is it too early to start thinking about a second season?
  25. Another group is doing Frontier? Who's jumpcn?
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