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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. From the latest Hobby Japan.
  2. Does Bandai usually sell accessory bundles with their high end stuff? Or is that more of a Yamato thing?
  3. I have a feeling they're working out all the kinks of 1/60 Super/Armor Packs. When you consider how long it's been since we've seen new photos the next set should be AMAZING. We're in store for something great folks.
  4. Early Bird Special at HLJ for the VF-1J w/ Super Packs http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00090
  5. Both of his skull tampo printings are straight!
  6. Sorry if it's been asked before. Have you guys heard the audio commentary from Kawamori and the voice cast that was on the Frontier DVD's?
  7. Thanks Swoosh! You're always on top of things. (That's what SHE said)
  8. Bottlenecking otakus + convention exclusives = NOT a good mix.
  9. Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann preorders at HLJ.com have started. http://www.hlj.com/product/KYD01228
  10. I dunno about adding new stuff into already canon material. Bad idea Kawamori.
  11. Do you guys know what Kawamori worked on back when he was doing the Diaclone/TF stuff?
  12. What do you mean you've been Geassed?
  13. That Macross Zero portion has just been posted.
  14. Exxxxxxxxxcellent. [/Mr. Burns] EDIT: Smithers! This torrent doesn't seem to be working.
  15. This movie was HORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRIBLE. Thank goodness I didn't spend any money on it.
  16. So. Are everyone's shoulder joints holding up well?
  17. It says it's a 1/72...not a 1/100. EDIT: It's the plamo. D'oh.
  18. Fellas. Michael's death was done pretty damn well. Bringing him back would just cheapen the moment.
  19. Is it the same as the patch on the arms of their jackets?
  20. Why didn't Klan go commando and wrestle those tiny Vajra? How long is she supposed to be inside that chamber until she reaches macronization? Would she have died if the process was interrupted?
  21. Now THAT is what I've been waiting for. I'll be getting one of each.
  22. I had tears. It was done very, very well.
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