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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. http://www.trailerspy.com/trailer/1329/Star-Trek-Trailer
  2. TRAILER OUT! Yes...it's a shiety fan rip but it's better than nothing. http://www.flickr.com/photos/sfstreetlight/3030211291/
  3. What're the chances that HLJ or Overdrive will be carrying these Fast Packs?
  4. BAD NEWS fellas. Yamaguchi is taking a LOOOOOOONG break. http://eyeonasia.wordpress.com/2008/11/12/...ve-immediately/
  5. I hate Youtube b/c they're very wishy washy on what videos they ban for.
  6. The DX Aquarion box was made from a nice thick cardboard, and enough styrofoam to keep it nicely protected.
  7. It looks like the VF-1J is officially out! http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-79300-1-1.html Let's hope those shoulders have been fixed.
  8. The new Starship Enterprise?!?
  9. Was there this much build up between space battles in LOGH?
  10. LOL. I love how mickayesou posts a pic, then IXTL posts the SAME exact pic with a brief explanation.
  11. Yeah. It's perfect......for now. Give it a few transformations then you'll start to see the stress marks.
  12. Why is Brera still wearing the mind control device? GRACEEEEEEEEEE!
  13. Thanks for your superb review.
  14. So it's better to spray a layer of dullcote first then panel line it afterwards?
  15. Parallel Works #8 in delicious HD. http://rapidshare.com/files/161809429/Gurr...ip_1280x720.mp4
  16. Cool jacket J.T. Silversmith!
  17. I'll stand by my prediction that the Macross Quarter will be in 1/1250 scale.
  18. I absolutely loved the tactical display of Monica's station on the Macross Quarter.
  19. 20cm in cruiser mode? That's about 7.9 inches long. That's makes it about the same size as Wave's 1/5000 SDF-1 Macross.
  20. Pardon my french but......#UCK YEAH!
  21. I believe this is the second or third time a "favorite" dogfight poll has shown up. Isamu and Guld's dogfight is always #1. I don't think Frontier had too many memorable dogfights.
  22. Did you remember to use the ankle locks at the back? They make the YF-21 much easier to stand in Battroid.
  23. This needs to be added to the MW customs page. Great work.
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