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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. I'd rather have a Dreadnaught...the previous SOC Andromeda was already pretty damn good.
  2. ARMS is out today! Who's getting it? ALSO...the rest of 2017 looking damn good.
  3. The most recent trailer DID show off some of the Andromeda's new weapons.
  4. Thanks for sharing...always a pleasure to see her pefoem live.
  5. 99.99% recycled art...NOTHING original!!! But don't tell the fans that!
  6. What's the difference with the new MP Optimus Primal and the new one?
  7. WOW...$19.99 a YEAR for Nintendo's online services. I'LL TAKE IT. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJsNsS3LlSQ
  8. Chances of Voltes getting the DX treatment? I still haven't opened my 40th anniversary SOC.
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