Thanks for the reply Totoro.
BTW. Does anyone know what are the EXACT dimensions of the Hikaru/Misa DYRL poster?
The auction listing (much like the Macross L.C. poster) said it was an estimated 28x20. When it actually turned out to be 28.5x20.4.
Anyways. I have another 40% off coupon at Michael's that I need to use by the 4th....I need to know if I'll need another 30x24 frame.
The customer service department at Angolz says their Medicom Harlock's are in stock.
What're the chances of Medicom making a Queen Esmeraldas, Susumu Kodai, or Captain Okita?
How hard is it to find the original DYRL film poster these days?
I just found one on E-Bay for $28.00, but it isn't in the greatest shape.
Nevertheless, I'm pretty happy to finally have one.
Here's a quick review of Medicom Captain Harlock v2.0.
That's right. Apparently Medicom already released a Captain Harlock about ten years ago.
The differences are like night and day.