sil80jm was right about Anime-Export having the lowest price around.
I just paid for my reissue VF-25F.
¥10,800 JPY
¥ 1,790 JPY EMS Shipping
¥12,590 JPY = $129.64 USD
It's a good thing the dollar is going back up.
I stopped at "from the guy who was involved with the last Street Fighter movie...".
They should at least give it to a director who has a grand vision and is faithful to the source material.
Gimme Guilermo Del Toro or Peter Jackson for SOTC.
Select Chogokins are 50% off at HLJ!
Combattler V is 50% off
Voltes V is 50% off
Jeeg is 50% off
Reideen is 40% off
I like how Bandai gift wrapped the Super Packs.
Unfortunately there's no VF-25F to place them on.
The tampo printing is perfect, there are no paint smudges or missed areas.
OverDrive just sent me a shipping confirmation for Alto's Super Packs.
Now. The real question is when will they start taking pre-orders for the revised VF-25F's.
Sorry to nitpick but Bandai's forgetting to tampo print certain areas of Alto's Super Packs.
Both missile pods have the triangles printed. In the link above one of them are missing.