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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Cool story bro.
  2. Go to THIS thread for the Winter 2009 meet info! http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=30962
  3. Hello fellow MW'ers, I hope everyone had a great time at the SF Japantown meet earlier this month. We've got nowhere else to go but up, as these meets should only get bigger and better. Please feel free to make any suggestions as this is a group effort. FYI: The first post will constantly be updated with the itinerary and list of attendees. ITINERARY 1. Nikaku Japanese Arts at 12 pm 615 N 6th St San Jose, CA 95112 (408) 971-2822 http://www.yelp.com/biz/nikaku-japanese-arts-san-jose 2. Kinokuniya Book Store at *1pm (or earlier depending how long we're at Nikaku) 685 Saratoga Ave San Jose, CA 95129 (408) 252-1300 http://www.yelp.com/biz/kinokuniya-book-st...-store-san-jose FYI: This is about 7 miles away from Nikaku 3a. Tomi Sushi at 1:30pm* 4336 Moorpark Ave San Jose, CA 95129 (408) 257-4722 OR 3b. Harry's Hofbrau 390 Saratoga Ave San Jose, CA 95129 (408) 243-0434 STILL DECIDING. Both locations are along Saratoga Avenue (VERY close to Kinokuniya) The Players (bolded = attending) Agent One anime52k8 Baldrick bluemax151 Britai7018 Chewie Chuey? connor99 danth dax415 duckie81 Einherjar EganLoo eugimon F360° fansubs2000 Flaming Guantlet fokker special Fortress_Maximus FOKKER007 Garou Kuroyuu GDomino gerwalk25? Ginrai goldenboy_forever grapetang J A Dare jenius JoLe727 KingNor Knight26 mac666er Majestic Mercurial Morpheus? miriya MyClone nismoflip Posse Comitatus question rnurmin rusted180 sharkm sidearmsalpha singtao specr0101 Tekkaman Blade to177 Torii UN Spacy Valkfan Valkyrie23 Valkyrie Hunter D? VF-1Guy yellowlightman
  4. How about another meet in early October? San Jose Japantown? But this time we don't have to worry about large crowds or parking meters. We can also bring more items to share with each other. What do you guys think?
  5. The VF-1 Master File was quite a popular item at last weeks meet.
  6. Did you guys notice the two voice over cameo's?
  7. Misa crashed the VT-1 into the sand. Sheryl flew the VF-25G into a hail of Vajra gunfire. I picked Sheryl. She can handle my stick anytime.
  8. Bandai PLEASE make that VF-19 Kai into a 1/60 scale... ...I'll give you ALL THE MONIES in the world.
  9. Wait. You can't mount the gunpod in Fighter Mode?
  10. New figures on the way! Thanks to Cybergundam for the scans. 1. Megahouse PVC Figure Excellent Model CORE Macross F Sheryl Normal Ver 2. Alter x Megahouse PVC Figure Macross F Ranka
  11. Great pics man. The paint job that Yamato decided to go with is rather unimpressive though. If they went with Hasegawa's Project Supernova paint scheme (with all the sponsoring decals), then I'd pick one up.
  12. Thanks to you and Rob Miles for the pics! I hope you guys had a blast. The next one should be even better. Welcome to Macrossworld!!!
  13. The white one is Hikaru's flight suit from Flashback 2012!!!
  14. Hit did it VERY carefully. Protip: constant bending puts wear and tear on the ball joint inside. I had to learn this the hard way. The DX head lasers normally don't sit outwards.
  15. I wish I had taken more pics. Oh well. There's always next time. Pic #1 - MW'ers having lunch at Juban Pic #3 - (from L to R) me, MyClone (thx for the Valks), Agent ONE, and Mercurial Morpheus. Pic #4 and #5 - mac666er brought the holy grail of all Macross books. Now who has that group shot?
  16. CollectionDX reviews the VF-22.
  17. If a company makes Sheryl in the Chinese dress... ...btw Megahouse...where is my Don't Be Late Sheryl?!?
  18. Michael never used an Armored Pack in the tv show.
  19. Apples and oranges. Gundam is a shittier franchise.
  20. You know what's nice about the Armored? A lot of people on Toysdaily are buying it and posting pics. I'm guessing it's flying off the shelves overseas. Right?
  21. Good times yesterday. We WILL do this more often. ...and my apologies for underestimating the power of the otaku. I didn't know that pagoda area would be PACKED.
  22. Alright folks. Today is the day! I'm looking forward to meeting everyone. Duckie81 and me will be at the pagoda around 2pm. BTW. I'm Mar.
  23. They're out of their frakking minds.
  24. I can't get Thora's Blu-Ray mkv's to play on my PS3. Do I need to convert them? Any suggestions?
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