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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Cool. Can you guys confirm that these replacement arms have the DEKNURLED pins?
  2. Using those stickers is a privilege...not a science experiment.
  3. Haruhiko of course. But this is like comparing apples and oranges. Ebata does some very nice stuff as well despite her eroge background (cough NANASE....cough thigh high stocking fetish).
  4. My copy won't arrive for another week or two. ;_; Does MUF use the PSP Slim's (PSP-3000) microphone feature?
  5. Wow. No bump in two months? The DVD/Blu-Ray is set for a November 17th release. This website has a sneak preview of the goodies that're packed in the two disc set. http://trekmovie.com/2009/10/11/first-impr...on-screenshots/
  6. As much as I'd like a Kai. I think I'm gonna wait for Yamato theirs.
  7. Hehehe. We share the same birthday. Happy birthday Minmay! >_<
  8. You all better start practicing. We should have a MUF tournament at next years MW Con.
  9. Wow. You gotta love Macross when it's got a movie budget.
  10. Shirley you can't be serious. It's the Flashback 2012 song.
  11. For me it will always be An Angel Paints/Tenshi No Enogu. I love that song.
  12. Good times indeed. SJ Japantown was a bit of a shame though. I wonder how much longer Nikaku will stay in business. It was great meeting everyone at at Kinokuniya, Hofbrau, and Space Cat afterwards. We should have the next meet at somebody's place and with a small BBQ. I can bring over my PSP and PS2 and we can play a bunch of different Macross games. Maybe in January or February of 2010 as most of us will probably be busy the next two months.
  13. I just purchased a PSP Slim from E-Bay. MUF is also listed as $52.99 shipped. I should have both next week. I can't wait.
  14. Where is this Sheryl image from?
  15. :lol: Somebody sounds bitter.
  16. I'm heading out around 11:15am. See you guys there.
  17. I'll be wearing my Project Supernova shirt. Remember. If you guys need to contact me my cell number is in the 1st post.
  18. OMG. Thanks for the review. I was THIS close to buying a set of the blue ones. You just saved me $25+.
  19. It's been two weeks. Graham. You said that you met with Yamato for dinner recently. Was there any discussion about the results of this poll?
  20. A little OT. How long has Yamato had the M7 license? I always thought Bandai had the stranglehold on it.
  21. I'm also interested in checking out Henry's Hofbrau.
  22. Too bad the 11C played little importance in M7. Aside from Kinryu's Roy Focker-ish moment it was rather forgettable. The 11B on the other hand took part in one of the greatest animated sequences in Macross history. Although. I do like the redesigned boosters on those fast packs. Very nice.
  23. Will there be a VF-11C w/ Super Atmospheric Boosters from episode 44 (Operation Stargazer)?
  24. Bad ass. But, I will probably pass since they were uber Spacy cannon fodder for the Protodevlin. But I will give all my monies to Yamato for a VF-17S and VF-19 Kai.
  25. You guys sure are easy to troll. Oh wait...
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