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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Ninjin loves you yeah!
  2. Sheryl's Don't Be Late cast off is perfect because we've seen it in the anime. Ranka's Seikan Hikou cast off is just downright borderline pedo creepiness. But I'll probably end up picking it up anyways.
  3. Macross Frontier: The False Diva opened in 9th last weekend. http://www.cinemanavi.co.jp/english/weekend.html
  4. Oh wait. Those movie figures are made by Bandai so I'll pass. A little birdie told me Megahouse will eventually release an Excellent Model of dark Sheryl Nome.
  5. The character designers should have given Kodai a beard to commemorate his new rank.
  6. I picked up a VF-1J during HLJ's recent holiday sale. Is the individual GBP-1 armor available for preorder anywhere?
  7. I'm glad I waited for the 1/8 Excellent Model of Ranka Lee.
  8. TV Super Packs > Movie Super Packs
  9. Haters gonna hate. I need a VF-1S that I can punish the hell out of...and these Revoltechs should fit that role.
  10. http://www.hlj.com/scripts/specialsale/?Co...andstr=ceukcb9q Hobbylink Japan is once again offering FREE EMS shipping for their Macross products that are already 30 to 50% off! Quantities are limited so make your purchases at Macross speed.
  11. I finally scored my own 1st edition Gold Book for $89. It's in great condition but unfortunately it's missing the film strip and poster.
  12. Has the full movies from the special edition UMD been posted somewhere online?
  14. Friggin awesome. I need to get my hands on the movie posters.
  15. Is there a way to transfer unused skill points from one VF to another? What's with the SP gauge at the bottom of the Skill Command?
  16. Megahouse keeping the high end figure buyers happy. It's nice. But I think I'll stick with their 6,800 yen Excellent Model versions. http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iam-cybergundam/article?mid=36461
  17. Promotional images for Wave's 1/10 Minmay and Mylene. Coming March 2010. http://www.amiami.com/shop?vgForm=ProductI...ate=review.html http://www.amiami.com/shop?vgForm=ProductI...ate=review.html
  18. To: Megahouse Alter x Omega PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make an Excellent Model Sheryl Nome in the black rabbit movie costume.
  19. Very nice work.
  20. I really really REALLY hope they've made the paint aps more durable for the VF-27. IMHO that still remains my #1 nitpick with the DX series.
  21. Yeah. Is there a way to manually purge the Packs?
  22. Sorry to go a bit off topic. But does anyone else shop at Anime-Export.com? IIRC their prices are usually lower than HLJ and Overdrive's.
  23. The DX VF-27 is on Early Bird Special at HLJ! http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN958455
  24. Will the particle cannon fit underneath? Michael's sniper rifle wasn't able to on the VF-25G.
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