How about that CTU analyst checking out Chloe's arse? Or Von Bauer demonstrating his mastery of the German language?
Anyways. Todays episode was rather ho-hum. I can already tell that Starbuck's storyline will be my least favorite of the season. Poor doctor. Poor Russian brothers.
Ami Ami still has it up for preorder for 11760 yen (due to the struggling dollar that's about $130) before shipping.
I believe that's the lowest price around.
That's where I ordered my Macross Quarter from and it arrived within three days. EMS ftw.
Freckles (Renee Waker) was my favorite addition to the cast.
It'll be nice to see what happened to her after she went all Bauer during last season's finale.
Anyways....hours three and four are about to start.
Hmmmmmm. Last season we lost Bill Buchanon so we're running low on recurring characters.
I bet you Kim or Terry Bauer end up getting kidnapped. OMG. I didn't know Starbuck joined the cast.