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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. It's beautiful. Graham? Have you convinced them to make one that retails for a reasonable price?
  3. About 50 minutes into tonights episode. Too bad the new Secret Service female lead will probably not make it out alive. I kinda like her. The White House staff scenes were painful to watch. The last ten minutes of Jack and Freckles vs. the Tac Team was NIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICE.
  4. Are you the one that won the Gold Book auction? I was looking at that one and noticed it sold for $167+.
  5. Thanks for the inside review Tochiro. That Tenjin art is beautiful.
  6. If I can't make it to Sac-town then I'll definitely try to make it to MWCON. Hopefully a group of Bay Area MW'ers can head down there together.
  7. Chloe confirmed it... http://twitter.com/rajskub/status/11114778595
  8. The Devilfish is 70% off at HLJ.com http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN957703
  9. Where can I get this Future and how much of it should I apply to my nosecone?
  10. Agreed. I dunno though...this review seemed unlike Atom's usual upbeat attitude. Oh well. Their loss...I really hope Bandai continues with more capital ships. coughBATTLEFRONTIER!!!/cough
  11. The DX Koenig Monster is looking pretty damn good. EDIT: larger pic uploaded
  12. I never knew the VF-17 was THAT much bigger. Is Yamato going to retcon the size?
  13. NICE. But I will wait for Yamato's version.
  14. Another mole in CTU?!? What a twiiiiiiiiiiiist.
  16. Horray to Hastings for sticking up for Chloe! I'm also pretty damn sure Dana Walsh is my least favorite character this season. WTF with that gunfight though. A thirty minute stand off?
  17. Most of the new books have double sided posters in them. How come they're never easy to remove? They could at least make them perforated.
  18. Another good time with the Bay Area fellas. My apologies to Patrick, Steven, Tim, and Michael for arriving late. Next time let's just hit up a restaurant where we can all just chill (and possibly someone's place afterwards to continue to Macross festivities). Besides. I think we're all growing tiresome of having the meets at Japantown each and every time.
  19. SCOOOOOOOOOOOOOPDA!!!! They finally announced the details: BLACK LAGOON - Roberta's Blood Trail OVA series, 5 volumes in total, DVD and Blu-ray release Vol1 will be released on 17th July 2010. The opening song is Red Fraction New Remix by MELL.
  20. Leaving in a few minutes with freebies and camera in hand. FYI: my phone number is in the first post. I'll be heading there with duckie81.
  21. Wow...down to six confirmed. I'll still be there tomorrow.
  22. See y'all tomorrow!!!
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