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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Amazing skills Chaser 1. Isamu would be proud.
  2. http://www.airsoftpost.com/product_info.php?cPath=30_154&products_id=29787
  3. Gregory Itzin deserves another award for last nights performance.
  4. Wow wow wow!!! How great was this episode? Jack will not stop his BLOOOOOOOOOODLUST. Too bad they didn't show the Russian massacre. Next week = SERIES FINALE!!!
  5. "That's Jack Bauer! HE'S COMING TO GET ME!!!" -President Charles Logan :lol: The last six minutes have been glooooooooooorious.
  6. Kotobukiya's 1/10 Mega Man is up for preorder!!! http://www.amiami.jp/shop/shop?vgForm=ProductInfo&sku=FIG-IPN-1223&template=e_review.html&set=english
  7. I will make it an effort to see Kenji Kamiyama (GITS:SAC director) and Katsuyuki Konishi (Ozma Lee/Kamina's VA) panel. Hopefully they're both on Saturday or I'm screwed.
  8. Sorry if this has been asked before. Will the 1/3000 be a kit similar to their unpainted VF-1S? Has Graham even commented since the newest set of pics?
  9. It's been four days and I still haven't heard from Toynami.
  10. The VFX-1 almost had the same amount of screen time as the VE-1.
  11. I'd like to think Yamato's printing money with all the VF-1's they've been pumping out. But whatever happened to their GN-U and VFC lineups? Bad sales?
  12. I'm still waiting for both movies to hit Netflix.
  13. Even kitties LOVE the bikes. Great pics gilermo!
  14. Graham? Can you shed some light on this? What's up with all these web exclusives? Does Yamato think they're the evil empire (aka Bandai)?
  15. Max's stolen Zentradi uniform? Web exclusive? D'OH! I CURSE THEE!!!
  16. That looks like perfect size.
  17. The kazen henkei Revoltechs are 40% off at HLJ. IBITSSTILLTOOEXPENSIVESH!TSUX. VF-1J http://www.hlj.com/product/KYD010179 (177 remaining) VF-1S http://www.hlj.com/product/KYD010186 (165 remaining) VF-1A http://www.hlj.com/product/KYD010216 (162 remaining)
  18. Frakking Toynami. My case fresh Masterpiece Cyclone Rand didn't come with the Gallant Pistol or Rifle. I hope they can help me out with this one.
  19. Revenge is a dish that is best served cold...or in Jack's case slightly crisped, dosed with lighter fluid, severe blunt force trauma, a couple of stabings, and quite an epic pig gutting. ...and oh my GOD the face on Jack at the end of the episode. BTW. How scary does that tactical body armor look on Jack? I would sh#t my pants if I saw him coming after me in that getup. That mask is the stuff made of nightmares.
  20. BTW. When President Logan kept talking on the phone even after President Taylor hanged up just to save face in front of his aide. I LOL'ed pretty hard.
  21. The last few eppys have been superb. Dana's capping was almost as satisfying as Nina's. Although I wish I hadn't seen next weeks preview. They gave away just a tad bit too much.
  22. It arrived today! My user name is pinoy78. I'm surprised it arrived so quickly. Not bad considering I only paid $16 for it.
  23. Apparently a lot of customers have been canceling their preorders for it at AmiAmi.
  24. Oh yeah. Anyone wanna refer me? Come on guys. Let's start getting back into this game.
  25. Okay. I finally ordered this game. I hope I am not making a huge mistake.
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