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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. I don't see it on Amazon Japan preorders. Usually they're one of the first for book preorders.
  2. with Mari Iijima. DECULTURE!

  3. I'm more of a Togo's fan. But a Subway can be just as good. Mine shipped on the 8th as well. It arrived on the 18th. On average most of my SAL shipments take an average of 10 days. But then again I'm in the Bay Area.
  4. Roy would be proud. AWESOME build man.
  5. Or a true sequel to Robot Alchemic Drive.
  6. I didn't want an Indy 4. I sure as HELL want this. SCRIPT. HAS. BEEN. GREENLIT. http://protoncharging.com/gb/2010/10/14/gb-day-in-italy-a-rousing-success-sony-rep-confirms-script-approval/ PLUS...Bill Murray at the Scream Awards...the cat is out of the bag. http://www.variety.com/article/VR1118025898.html?categoryid=13&cs=1
  7. LOL. It's better left forgotten. I should take singing lessons from Operator7G though.
  8. Quite a difference when compared to the Gold Book's offerings.
  9. My copy of the movie finally arrived. Watch me break this sucker open (not literally). Part 1: The Opening Part 2: The Contents Part 3: The Film Cel I'm gonna spend the next few days playing the HECK out of Macross Trial Frontier.
  10. Awesome books. SF Kinokuniya? OMG. There was supposed to be redesigned Defender in Frontier?
  11. Is this the official Skyline thread? IF so...then it looks pretty decent. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDJfue-Aanw
  12. Announcement of Yamato's 1/60 VF-4 Lightning III?
  13. Thanks for the pics Graham. I plan on doing a video review for it this weekend.
  14. I love how BBTS tiptoes around the cancer that is Harmony Gold.
  15. I got to see (and handle) this in person at MWCON10. It's pretty cool.
  16. I'm still waiting for subs, but... ...not a single shot is fired... ...it's safe to say the episode... ...is probably lacking.
  17. Thanks to Daisuke for bringing his PSP with MUF to the con. I was finally able to play a head to head match against someone. You can see a few pics of our match in the MWCON10 thread.
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