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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. http://blog.movies.yahoo.com/blog/148-harrison-ford-and-daniel-craig-saddle-up-for-cowboys-aliens
  2. I forgot how good Alyssa Milano used to look.
  3. This thread needs EPIC music. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VsU78txmVXs
  4. But what about AFTER the VF-17's?
  5. Is it 2011 already? Totsugeki Love Heeeeeeeartttt!
  6. Just in case anyone was still looking. MegaHouse Last Frontier Sheryl on sale for 45% off. http://www.1999.co.jp/eng/10111872
  7. BUMP because it's been over a year since the poll was finished. The final results are as follows. 1. VF-0D from Macross Zero, including Shin blue color and standard grey color (55 votes [18.77%]) Percentage of vote: 18.77% IIRC Graham said it had a 0.0% chance of being made. 2. VF-4 from Flash Back 2012 (82 votes [27.99%]) Percentage of vote: 27.99% The second MOST number of votes and MY choice for 2012. 3. VF-17 from Macross 7, including D/S & S Milia types & possibly Super Packs (40 votes [13.65%]) Percentage of vote: 13.65% The second LEAST number of votes yet it's coming after the plethora of VF-19's. 4. VF-19 from Macross 7, including kai/F/S/P & possibly Super Packs & Sound Booster (24 votes [8.19%]) Percentage of vote: 8.19% The LEAST number of votes YET it's coming in 2011. 5. VF-2SS from Macross II, possibly including SAP (92 votes [31.40%]) Percentage of vote: 31.40% The MOST number of votes but no sign of it being made. Graham. Can you shed any light on the status of the VF-2SS or VF-4? Pretty please?
  8. Judging from previous companies foray into MP3 players/Mecha. Remember TakaraTomy's Soundwave and Blaster. They were BOTH 60 to 70% off for the longest time at HLJ...yet nobody bought em.
  9. Graham. Can you convince Yamato to include Syvil figure with the Sound Boosters? As for the working speakers. IF it's implemented well I'll pick it up.
  10. PV is finally out. http://www.famitsu.com/news/201011/15035569.html
  11. I voted for the VF-4 in Fighter Mode. It needs love.
  12. It doesn't ONE BIT. Those people are just bitten by the nostalgia bug.
  13. What the heck? That sucks man. I know the VF-11C's were on sale at HLJ (20% off) a few weeks ago. NOW it's back up to 18,880 yen. http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00182 AmiAmi has em for 15,250 yen but they're backordered. If you guys can find it cheaper than this lemme know. http://www.amiami.jp/shop/?set=english&vgForm=ProductInfo&sku=TOY-RBT-0977&template=default/product/e_display.html
  14. Didn't you just find a VF-11C for a goo deal in the For Sale section? Are you building a squadron of em?
  15. IN for online exclusive whale blood covered Zolan VF-19.
  16. That's great news. IF they plan on releasing the Sound Boosters. Make sure they don't forget Basara's sound energy converter. They both premiered in Episode 28 "New Sound Weapon". So it'd only be right to release em in the same set.
  17. WHAT. THE. HECK. I love Bandai's emotion style Sheryl Nome. It's got a GREAT sculpt buuuuuutshe's not really showing any emotion. Now THIS is how it should have been in the first place. She's in motion, hair is flowing, and she's it looks like she's singing Lion. From Banpresto. Coming June 2011!?! More photos: http://ga.sbcr.jp/mprize/016105/
  18. The beauty of screenshots? 1. Please don't sculpt cockpit Basara with his helmet on. 99.9% of the time he's not wearing it. 2. If there's gonna be a standing Basara he's gotta be wearing t-shirt and jeans WITH guitar in hand.
  19. IF I were going to purchase the TV SDF-1 I'd prefer it to be more than just a repaint with new carriers. Unfortunately I already have my DYRL version preordered and am 99.9% sure I won't be buying another one.
  20. My listings? 1. Macross: Do You Remember Love - Movie 2. Macross Plus - OAV 3. Super Dimension Fortress Macross - TV 4. Macross Frontier: The False Songstress - Movie 5. Macross Frontier - TV 6. Macross 7 - TV 7. Macross Plus - Movie Edition 8. Macross Dynamite 7 - OAV 9. Macross II: Lovers Again - OAV 10. Macross Zero - OAV 11. Macross 7: The Galaxy Is Calling Me - Movie
  21. So who's checking this thread aside from Eugene, Patrick, and me? Come on guys don't be shy.
  22. LOL. This is gonna be so much better than the YF-19 it's ridiculous.
  23. Protip.NO ONE but you cares about Grace. Please don't ban me.
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