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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Great vid...but I'm guessing y'all have seen this before.
  2. UN Spacy

    Yamato 1/60 VF-X

    Hahahahaha...that qualifies as photo of the month.
  3. Time to bring this thread back after one year. A new 1/6 Motoko is coming in May 2011. http://www.amiami.jp/shop/?set=english&vgForm=ProductInfo&sku=FIG-MOE-2388&template=default/product/e_display.html
  4. Kodai's large jersey is already sold out. THAT was fast.
  5. This is redesigned VF-25 you've all been waiting for folks. Sorta. They've been on a roll with the Quarter, VF-27, and Konig. I've got a good feeling about this.
  6. UN Spacy

    SCOOP thread!

    YF-29 DX is on the way!!!
  7. Brand new YF-29 images. DX and 1/100 scales are on the way!!!
  8. Thanks to Cybergundam for the pics!
  9. The DX is on the way. Thanks to Cybergundam for pics!!!
  10. Space Battleship Yamato knocked out of #1 spot by the new Kamen Rider and Tron Legacy. She dropped to #4 right behind Potter with a loss of 40.4%. Ouch. http://boxofficemojo.com/intl/japan/?yr=2010&wk=51&p=.htm
  11. I thought you gave up on Yamato.
  12. A little OT...but I don't think I can say no to this. http://www.amiami.jp/shop?set=english&vgform=SearchProducts&sort_1_name=UpdateDate&sort_1_direction=DESC&results_per_page=40&max_results=0&next=Next&previous=Previous&template=default/product/e_search_results.html&no_results_template=default/product/no_results.html&vgvar_1_name=e_keyword&vgvar_1_value=original&vgvar_1_operator=LIKE&vgvar_2_name=e_keyword&vgvar_2_value=jersey&vgvar_2_operator=LIKE Is a Japanese large is US medium?
  13. Ami/HLJ = 26,790/27,880 yen or approximate $318/$333. Nice to see that HLJ is trying to be competitive. The wild card will be shipping charges.
  14. It's nice to see homages to the original DYRL song. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cLi--FpLZo
  15. Anything's better than Caprica at this point.
  16. mfw reading that
  17. I now have a third chained rocket anchor. The one that came in box was broken. AmiAmi was kind enough to send a replacement.
  18. I'm finally a PS3 owner no thanks to Amazon and their impulse buy bundle packs.
  19. Will it be packed in styrofoam?
  20. Black panel lines stand out just a bit too much for my taste. IIRC I use the GM02 and it's just the right amount of detailing when viewed from afar.
  21. No one put a gun to your head.
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