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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Attaching the ARMD's make me a little nervous.
  2. Another awesome wm cheng to drool over. Can I send you my SDF-1 for a paint up?
  3. OH YEAH. There was a good bit of glue across the joint. I finally got it dislodged. Thanks for the tip.
  4. Any help would be greatly appreciated. It's like it's glued on.
  5. Yes. I drank Guinness while unboxing her.
  6. Son of an ITCH!!! I've never had a problem with my VF-11's until now. My brand new VF-11C has a hinge that just won't MOVE, the other side is just fine...what GIVES?
  7. I got mine at lunch from the post office. I made it at the perfect tIme too...NO LINES!!! When I left that line was twenty deep....lucky me.
  8. Awesome. I might have to catch this with some Bay Area MW'ers in the Milpitas area. WTF. Gantz gets a US release already but Yamato doesn't?!?
  9. We have a main page? Anyways...I missed my mailman. I'll have to pick up my SDF-1 on my lunch break tomorrow.
  10. Bay Area MW'ers. Our shipment has cleared customs.
  11. Hopefully the success of the DYRL SDF-1 will sway Yamato to mass produce the Regult. I know it's a risk and all but I'd buy one...maybe two if the price was right.
  12. Sorry if I sounded like an arse. I think I'm on here too often sometimes. I guess I'm emo that my SDF-1 won't arrive until Monday.
  13. You ARE aware Graham did a full review on it. Right?
  14. I can't accept that........look for my SDF-1 in the for sale section soon.
  15. Has anyone seen Kevin Flynn's Identity Disk? I picked up Sam and Rinzler's the other day.
  16. Is this from one of our members? http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-144432-1-1.html
  17. I'm tempted to take my GM-02 to it. I kinda like what that guy on Toysdaily did to theirs. http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-144410-1-1.html
  18. Banpresto's Black/White Bunny figure is out. http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-144389-1-1.html
  19. Congrats fellas. Barely two days out and it's already sold out at AmiAmi, Hobby Search, and low stock at HLJ.
  20. Is it too much to ask for a Saturday delivery? That'd just MAKE my New Years.
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