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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Hi Graham. Any updates about the Basara figures? You mentioned last time that cockpit Basara won't be wearing the helmet. Do you know if they still plan on including a standing figure?
  2. Attaching the ARMD's make me a little nervous.
  3. Another awesome wm cheng to drool over. Can I send you my SDF-1 for a paint up?
  4. OH YEAH. There was a good bit of glue across the joint. I finally got it dislodged. Thanks for the tip.
  5. Any help would be greatly appreciated. It's like it's glued on.
  6. Yes. I drank Guinness while unboxing her.
  7. Son of an ITCH!!! I've never had a problem with my VF-11's until now. My brand new VF-11C has a hinge that just won't MOVE, the other side is just fine...what GIVES?
  8. I got mine at lunch from the post office. I made it at the perfect tIme too...NO LINES!!! When I left that line was twenty deep....lucky me.
  9. Awesome. I might have to catch this with some Bay Area MW'ers in the Milpitas area. WTF. Gantz gets a US release already but Yamato doesn't?!?
  10. We have a main page? Anyways...I missed my mailman. I'll have to pick up my SDF-1 on my lunch break tomorrow.
  11. Bay Area MW'ers. Our shipment has cleared customs.
  12. Hopefully the success of the DYRL SDF-1 will sway Yamato to mass produce the Regult. I know it's a risk and all but I'd buy one...maybe two if the price was right.
  13. Sorry if I sounded like an arse. I think I'm on here too often sometimes. I guess I'm emo that my SDF-1 won't arrive until Monday.
  14. Thanks for the pics!
  15. You ARE aware Graham did a full review on it. Right?
  16. I can't accept that........look for my SDF-1 in the for sale section soon.
  17. Has anyone seen Kevin Flynn's Identity Disk? I picked up Sam and Rinzler's the other day.
  18. Is this from one of our members? http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-144432-1-1.html
  19. WHAT A SURPRISE....mine too!
  20. I'm tempted to take my GM-02 to it. I kinda like what that guy on Toysdaily did to theirs. http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-144410-1-1.html
  21. Banpresto's Black/White Bunny figure is out. http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-144389-1-1.html
  22. Congrats fellas. Barely two days out and it's already sold out at AmiAmi, Hobby Search, and low stock at HLJ.
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