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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. At least we know these are coming in a month or so.
  2. You just made my night.
  3. It's a good thing my old list of Bay Area MW'ers is still around. We seem to have a decent sized group going. I just hope the weather holds up. DATE: 2/26/2011 TIME: 12:00pm VENUE: SF Japantown MEETING PLACE: In front of Kinokuniya Bookstore (2nd floor)
  4. Amazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzing work on Macross City my friend.
  5. BACKSTREET BOYS?!? BTW. The only thing that new promo (which was the GREATEST thing in the last several years) was missing was The King and Jim Ross. How come they're not on Raw anymore?
  6. http://www.elljay-hobby-collection.com/2011/02/15/macross-dyrl-sdf-1-yamato-1-3000-part-i/ http://www.elljay-hobby-collection.com/2011/02/15/macross-dyrl-sdf-1-yamato-1-3000-part-ii/
  7. It's also sold out at AmiAmi.
  8. The May 2011 Hobby Japan comes with a Sheryl figure and the June 2011 comes with Ranka. http://www.amiami.jp/shop/?set=english&vgForm=ProductInfo&sku=BOK-3793&template=default/product/e_display.html
  9. So fellas...drop a reply if you can make it on the 26th. SF Japantown...what time shall we make this?
  10. Awesome. I wasn't expecting the vignette to be a figure. http://www.amiami.jp/shop/?set=english&vgForm=ProductInfo&sku=BOK-3792&template=default/product/e_display.html
  11. I did a quick review of the GSC Tachikoma.
  12. I am jelly....and those DYRL cels...OMG.
  13. Watched it tonight. Jennings will rally for all mankind.
  14. Frak. It took me a few minutes to find this damn thread. For those that MUST have an Elint or Ostrich in their collection. This was spotted at Toy Fair 2011. Thanks to Cybergundam for the pics. Nice LOW VIS there.
  15. The Spider-Man movies weren't the greatest in the world. But they sure did get the costume 100% correct. The new version is pretty awful.
  16. I still think Prime's G1 movie fight vs Megs is still the best. His fights in the live action movie come off as emotionless and a frantic mess.
  17. FRAK-ing awesome.
  18. Get ready for the rush of printed material coming out in the next few months. I would've been happy with JUST Tenjin's new book, this is just icing on the cake. AmiAmi just opened up preorders for these artbooks/magazines. 1. Macross F Visual Collection Sheryl Nome II (Book) [Kadokawa Group Publishing] http://www.amiami.jp/shop/?set=english&vgForm=ProductInfo&sku=BOK-3803&template=default/product/e_display.html 2. Monthly HobbyJAPAN May 2011 Issue Macross F w/ Sheryl Nome Vignette (Magazine)[HobbyJAPAN] http://www.amiami.jp/shop/?set=english&vgForm=ProductInfo&sku=BOK-3792&template=default/product/e_display.html 3. Official Complete Book Macross F the Movie -Sayonara no Tsubasa- (Book)[Kadokawa Group Publishing] http://www.amiami.jp/shop/?set=english&vgForm=ProductInfo&sku=BOK-3804&template=default/product/e_display.html 4. Macross F Valkyrie Fighter Master File VF-25 Messiah (Book)[softbank Creative] http://www.amiami.jp/shop/?set=english&vgForm=ProductInfo&sku=BOK-3781&template=default/product/e_display.html
  19. Oh Megahouse...where are thou? Whilst thee grace our presence with thee divine sculptures of Macross Frontier lore? Translation: DAMINT Megahouse! Give us more figs!!!
  20. Wait a sec. The ships and VF's are in scale with one another?
  21. I'll take one Sword of Omens. KTHXBYE.
  22. Thanks for the shots VF-18S Hornet and congrats on your purchase. I gotta agree with nanoplasm here. Previews looked GREAT...but what happened to her face?
  23. I've had a night to fiddle with Bandai's GX-58 and I'm pretty damn impressed. Even though the Andromeda was only featured in a few Starblazers episodes I fell in with the design at an early age. Heck, I still have the worn out VHS with the Battle at Saturn on it. US: JPN: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QH3psLCPLMw SCULPT: I don't have any line art books on me but she looks exactly like she did in the television show and movies. Remember how the GX-57 had a bit more of the live action + resurrection look to it? None of that happening here. Weighing over 1.5 lbs she's got die cast in all the right places. But don't go looking for a Marmit here. SHE IS BEAUTIFUL. 9.5/10 Protip: She's got 11 large antenna scattered around her, it's made from a hard plastic so don't worry about it bending or breaking. I wouldn't wear a long sleeve sweater around it. Loose clothing can catch on one of them easily...just be careful folks. PAINT: Similar to the Yamato in that it's primarily gray but with more random spots of cream color on the main guns. bridge, and bow. It's also got a bit of weathering along the large vertical lines across the ship. I actually prefer the darker gray that they used here. If you prefer a bit more detail you can always go nuts with a Gundam marker. 8.5/10 GIMMICKS (SONGS): Most of them sound like they're from the second season...except for the fourth one...I can't put my finger on it. But it definitely seems a piece that is more fitting for the Yamato. 8.5/10 (SOUND FX): The dual wave motion cascading sound effect is pulled straight out of the show. If you're a fan you should be able to differentiate between the two. You also dont' get the target scope opening and trigger firing sound...as it should be. The shock cannon sounds are different from the Yamato, but the anti aircraft guns, and engines are the same. Half are brand new, half are reused, and there's NO fifth sound effect. BOO-urns. 7/10 (SHIP): No hidden dials or cutaway hatches with inner detailing like on the BPX-01 (the main fighter bay door don't count). All four shock cannons can be turned at the same time. It's very light on gimmicks...which I didn't really care for that much. What you're getting here is a CLEAN sculpt which looks absolutely bad ass. 8/10 Overall I'm VERY impressed with GX-58 Andromeda.
  24. Their first VF100 VF-25 was pretty fail.
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