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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. https://twitter.com/NintendoAmerica/status/938991177235234816
  2. Awesome...getting all three as I missed out on the Wii (U) versions.
  4. UN Spacy

    Hi-Metal R

    Who has the new SDF: Macross animation in the most recent Hi-Metal commercial? It features Roy dogfighting with some NJD'S inside Macross City.
  5. Trying to look for that new animation for the Hi-Metal promo.
  6. Anyone know what it says below VALKYRIE PROJECT?
  7. UN Spacy

    Hi-Metal R

    omg it’s soooo damn tiny
  8. UN Spacy

    Hi-Metal R

    I got a retention noticefrom EMS Japan via USPS. Does this mean it was attempted delivery or being held at the post office?
  9. Who?
  10. UN Spacy

    Hi-Metal R

    Tempted to. Will probably sell it for cheap on E-Bay or destroy it on my YouTube channel.
  11. UN Spacy

    Hi-Metal R

    For 4500 yen EMS shipping AmiAmi sure is taking their sweet time shipping my two out. Anyone else that ordered from Ami get a shipping notification?
  12. UN Spacy

    Hi-Metal R

    Wait for the Ami payment request.
  13. Just look at that horrible and I’ll fitting QC.
  14. LOL...only opened with 96 million. “Justice League posted the lowest domestic opening of any title in the DC Extended Universe, which has yet to match the consistent success of rival Marvel Studios.”
  15. Anyone buy the newest Master File? Any new stuff in it?
  16. Will wait till it’s 50%. Im not that stupid to pay full price. Do you REMEMBER how bad their VF-2SS was?
  17. CAN’T WAIT.
  18. UN Spacy

    Hi-Metal R

    Street date for the 2SS?
  19. Looks like the Hulu is finally on Switch. Hopefully the YouTube and Netflix apps won’t be too far behind.
  20. How far is everyone in Super Mario Odyssey? I'm about 25 hours in....416 moons. BTW...sooo many games coming out within a week: Doom: 11/10 L.A. Noire: 11/14 Skyrim: 11/17
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