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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Source: http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iam-cybergundam/article?mid=71487
  2. You can't get Max without Miria.
  3. Out on 4/16: Official Complete Book Macross F the Movie - Sayonara no Tsubasa Out on 4/23: Macross F Visual Collection Sheryl Nome II HELL YES.
  4. I need these two... ...and the books too. 4/16: Official Complete Book Macross F the Movie - Sayonara no Tsubasa 4/23: Macross F Visual Collection Sheryl Nome II
  5. Oh how I wish 4Kids was replaced by HG. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2011-03-29/tv-tokyo-nihon-ad-terminate-yu-gi-oh-deal-sue-4kids
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VjW8TgQsSeA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GXaF1Zxsq24
  7. Source: http://www.toysdaily.com/discuz/thread-150683-1-1.html
  8. B!tches, leave.
  9. Ever since The Rock has been back I've been watching more of it. TONIGHT! ONE WEEK BEFORE WRESTLEMANIA! IT'S THE ROCK!!! THE GREAT ONE!!! THE BRAHMA BULL!!! ...and Fruity Pebbles LIVE on tonight's Monday Night Raw!!! I hope it's gonna be DV-R worthy.
  10. I'm still in the market for Yamato's Mighty Block Stands. If you have a few you're willing to sell me lemme know. Does anyone know which VF's they won't support? Has anyone tried putting a YF-21 or SV-51 on it?
  11. The San Francisco and San Jose Kinokuniya Bookstores don't regularly stock Model Graphix.
  12. IMHO HLJ and AmiAmi are probably two best Macross e-tailers around. No worries. Just make sure that you don't cancel preorders too often.
  13. If I had money to drop.
  14. Hahahahahahhaa.....good one.
  15. It took Yamato what.....15 years to get the Macross 7 license? Enjoy your Yamato VF-25 sometime well past 2020. I don't gonna care by then.
  16. Calling it amazing would be an understatement. Simply breathtaking work kyekye. How many hours have you put into this labor of love.
  17. 1/6 COLDCAST Motoko Kusanagi SEBURO M-5 & HK-VP70 ver. Complete Figure [ALPHAMAX] http://www.amiami.jp/shop/?set=english&vgForm=ProductInfo&sku=FIG-MOE-2561
  18. Tamashii Web Exclusive Super Parts? I ain't even mad.
  19. Is it wrong that I hope they crash and burn after this clusterfuc#?
  21. Kit? No. Model? No. DX version? HELL YES.
  22. http://boxofficemojo.com/intl/japan/?yr=2011&wk=10&p=.htm
  23. What an AZZHOLE.
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