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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. https://twitter.com/nintendoamerica/status/948901835284283393
  2. I wonder if it’ll also lead to that classic showdown on the bridge of Dessler’s flagship.
  3. Street date for the Riobot Ride Armor?
  4. NEW TRAILER!!! VERY SURPRISED this isn’t region blocked.
  5. Man I'm late to the party...just found out thirty mins ago.
  6. It sorta is when it’s been done in 9 months has completely turned the company around.
  7. Switch to outsell the Wii U's lifetime sales in 12 months?
  8. LOL folks paying full price...this’ll be 50-60% in a few months. Even then it doesn’t justify the ill fitting parts and abundance of stretch marks.
  9. Wow that’s ripped off from Yamato.
  10. UN Spacy

    Uta Macross!

    LIve Mode rocks. just spent the last hour getting 210,000 points for th Fire Bomber badge...dunno why I put some much time into getting em.
  11. This movie has EIGHT weeks before premiere. I wouldn't expect too much new footage.
  12. So ANY difference between 2012 version and this?
  13. PLEASE stop posting that horrendous photo...I have kids here.
  14. Looks more faithful than GITS was...but those eyes...doesn't look good in live action.
  15. Yes...Rosa Salazar.
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