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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Anyone have a conference room we can use? I'd be wiling to bring a PS3.
  2. I was at Sony yesterday to game test for Batman Arkham City. Y'all are gonna LOVE it.
  3. Thanks for the photos ff95jg. Can you angle out the head lasers without stressing the ball joint? This is how my v1.0 broke due to the soft rubber.
  4. LOL. The whole movie is already on YouTube. I wonder how long THAT stays up. (that's what SHE said)
  5. Ditto...but daaaaang 4,700 yen for EMS shipping?
  6. Sexy box art is sexy.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O1ksCoKIC9E
  8. Are any of you buying that A&E travesty? Be honest.
  9. Oh man...that's horrible....I got an Ozma film strip with my Itsuware no Utahime Blu-ray. I'd hate to get an anti-piracy one....unless it becomes a collectors item.
  10. Podcast rule #1 sounds awesome. You guys should get TOTALLY ripped for the next one. Is Renato gonna break his next Yamato VF?
  11. Trolling Toysdaily to see who gets it first. Maybe Swoosh?
  12. I guess I'll get my payment request when the renewal DX VF-25F's are in stock.
  13. WOW. Almost 22,000 yen even with AmiAmi's discount. MOST. EXPENSIVE. CORE. VF. EVER. That'd better come with Fast Packs.
  14. Robocop delayed....AGAIN. http://www.goodsmile.info/post/ja/3204/2011%E5%B9%B410%E6%9C%88%E5%87%BA%E8%8D%B7%E4%BA%88%E5%AE%9A%E5%95%86%E5%93%81%E3%81%8A%E3%82%88%E3%81%B3%E7%99%BA%E5%A3%B2%E6%9C%88%E5%A4%89%E6%9B%B4%E3%81%AE%E3%81%94%E6%A1%88%E5%86%85.html
  15. I saw it today...and loved it...I call it the Robot Rocky. MUCH better than Bay's Rack em Suck em Robots.
  16. LOS ANGELES (October 5, 2011) — Harmony Gold will host a special screening of the new documentary Carl Macek’s Robotech Universe at the Harmony Gold Preview House in Hollywood on October 17, 2011 at 8 p.m.
  17. Preordered too.
  18. Foward swept wing fighter members ONLY.
  19. Mandarake has a VF-19 for: 12,000 yen: http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-738429.html 13,000 yen: http://ekizo.mandarake.co.jp/shop/en/item_s-738538.html For that price...I'd hop on it if I were you.
  20. Is it gonna be at a future SoCal MWCON?
  21. Sodomize? That's clearly arse to arse.
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