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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. YF-29 Fast Pack gallery by gamu!!! http://gamu-toys.info/goukin/gouki/dx19/dx19.html
  2. Mr. K? Those are the hands of the Hory Froating Head?!?
  3. In stock IF you preordered..right?
  4. After watching Renato's video I can see .
  5. I'm so jealous. Who wants to go to Japan w/ me?
  6. UGH. It looks horrible...I'd rather have the old 1/65. Now that I have your attention. I need at least two of em.
  7. As usual...keeping my fingers crossed that the final product will look AS good. Sometimes this isn't the case.
  8. IN for another group buy for the Armored Pack.
  9. Tossing that box RIGHT in the recyclable when it arrives.
  10. Did y'all pick up Skyward Sword yesterday? I had to cancel my order from Amazon since they were going to delay my shipment to mid December. Apparently they didn't have enough copies for all the preorders. How in the HECK does this still happen today? Anyways, I picked it up on my way to work from Wal-Mart this morning and plan on putting in some quality time with it over the next several days.
  11. Hopefully Willis and Schwarzenegger's roles will be expanded upon in this one.
  12. I'll take more of Crews and that shotgun though. But yeah...hyped to see JCVD and Norris though. Any other action stars that are missing?
  13. WHAT? No one like The Rock's return on last Monday Night's RAW? BOOTS TO ASSES bros. Survivor Series is this Sunday. ...and man...it's been a LOOOOOONG time since I've purchased a Wrestling video game.
  14. I'd like to know as well. The only item I've ever purchased from the Robotech website was the Animeigo box set for $40.
  15. I'll EMPHASIZE her crotch.
  16. Hooray for 6" modern Cheetara and Tygra. http://geek-news.mtv.com/2011/11/15/exclusive-first-look-at-2012-thundercats-6-inch-figures-with-interview/
  17. I just noticed in Fighter Mode...the thigh joint needs an extra click downward in order to mount the leg parts (similar to the VF-1). This couldn't be done with the shitty first version.
  18. Thanks. How do these work with commie's hardsubbed version?
  19. I just e-mailed HLJ and they won't be carrying them.
  20. PERFECT 10 from IGN 4 1/2 stars from joystiq http://www.joystiq.c...d-sword-review/ 100 from game informer http://www.gameinfor...ord-review.aspx
  21. Let's go buck wild folks. http://p-bandai.jp/tamashiiwebshouten/item-1000013284 http://p-bandai.jp/tamashiiwebshouten/item-1000013285
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