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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. G-Taste kitbashed into a Sheryl figure? No thanks.
  2. Is this gonna be limited like the VF-X?
  3. YAWN. What happened to that Britai figure? That's more interesting than the accessory parts.
  4. What time does Wonderfest open?
  5. I didn't preorder the VF-19 or VF-17. But I'm tempted to change my mind for the VF-4.
  6. I like it.
  7. It's been 19 long days but my VF-25S finally arrived today.
  8. You're wacko.
  9. I'm sick and tired of the VF-1. Please tell me I'm not the onyl one. Yamato has given us enough (and then some) for two lifetimes.
  10. This has gotta be a first. We're all waiting for VF-25's shipped SAL.
  11. Brand new article at Starblazers.com http://www.starblazers.com/html.php?page_id=665
  12. There was one on Mandarake earlier today for 13,000 yen. It didn't last too long.
  13. It DOESN'T need a fix. Graham just doesn't like how it was implemented. They DID fix it with the Renewal VF's though.
  14. They're already getting listings in YJA and Mandarake. Orleans Sheryl Nome (12,000 yen) http://ekizo.mandara...m_s-827048.html Niji Iro Kuma Kuma Ranka Lee (10,000 or 9,000 yen) http://ekizo.mandara...m_s-827045.html http://ekizo.mandara...m_s-827051.html
  15. Any folks who had theirs shipped SAL get theirs already? I'm already on 12 days here.
  16. I'm passed up on the initial run. I think I'd better strike while the iron is hot.
  17. Get that pony crap outta this thread.
  18. How did you get a Megaroad brah?
  19. FRAK. Cheetara is already $22.98 at Amazon, she must be hard to find.
  20. THIS...and Gannondorf.
  21. Perfect....IBLINEARTNAZIS.
  22. Strike One = Wonderfest. Strike Two = Limited. Strike Three = Exclusive.
  23. You're kidding...right?
  24. The DX VF-25s had the 30th anniversary logo on the box. Does that count?
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