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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Bay Area MW'ers need an earthquake to bring them out of their caves. Just saying is all.
  2. Are they holding off the renewal VF-25G in favor of the VF-171EX? Kinda surprised we haven't seen an announcement. There was a 3 month gap when they released the original 25S and 25G.
  3. So much awesomeness.
  4. Damn you guys! Quit hitting refresh at AmiAmi. You're slowing the site down.
  5. Jeez...these are gonna be like buying Jordans.
  6. The VF -17 also had a Cats Eye variant (minus Luca colors). IIRC it was only seen in episode 6.
  7. Awesome. Good that they started off with Alto's unit. Hopefully the make Luca's too.
  8. http://movies.yahoo....-222928738.html First set photos from the Star Trek sequel
  9. Vote this post down.
  10. Hey Graham. Was Toynami able to help you out with your missing items?
  11. Captain Hijetaka in Yamato. Yup, sure looks like him. The single is available for preorder. I gotta have it. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=MED-CD2-09199&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_originaltitle%3DSpace+Battleship+Yamato+%28Star+Blazers%29%24pagemax%3D100%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1
  12. I'm starting to change my mind about this. If they can do it for Gundam and Yamato...why not Macross? I agree with Cobra dude.
  13. Graham, I had a similar situation when I ordered Ray's MPC Cyclone from E-Bay. The seller (banthatrader) assured me it was case fresh. But low and behold it was missing the Gallant pistol AND rifle. After a few e-mails to their customer service they were able to send me replacements free of charge. I'd also check to see if the targeting sight is there too.
  14. Is this the same staff that worked on the Rebirth movie? Cause that one left a bad taste in my mouth. This? The complete opposite.
  15. WOW. I'm very impressed by the amount of detail they're poured into the mechanical and character redesigns here. VERY impressed.
  16. Great news Bee! Hmmmm...kinda far from LAX (compared to UCLA). Maybe I'll just carpool with Bay Area MW'ers.
  17. Shut up and take my money!!! Still waiting on that HLJ link for part IV...and I thought the wait for Macross Zero episodes was bad.
  18. FYI. Turn down the volume on your speakers...it's annoying as hell (unless you're into popping ecstasy tablets). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvcoxWeewiY
  19. I'm about six episodes in and liking it so far. Definitely a better cast than the original. BTW. Does anyone know where this image came from?
  20. I loved the original. Gotta say I'm more excited about this than Bourne Part IV.
  21. Mingmei?
  22. Great report. That 30th anniversary logo would look great as a sticker.
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