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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Sorry to beat a dead whores...but have English subs been confirmed or not? I doesn't really matter to me since I've already preordered the LE version.
  2. I'd like to think I'm a good standing customer with AmiAmi after 2+ years of buying Macross from them. I've only canceled an order once and they never batted an eye. I'm guessing repeat offenders will probably get blacklisted. EDIT: I've canceled three orders....but still they've been pretty nice about it.
  3. Will this become the next Low Viz 1/48?
  4. Needs more Large sized Cospa shirts.
  5. After multiple fansubbed VHS cassette's rips, VCD's, the Perfect Collection boot, the HD release, and now this. I think this should be the last version I'll ever need.
  6. I'm thinking about it.
  7. The official VHS cost that much?!? Great scott!!!
  8. Just wait for BBTS and their overpriced markup?
  9. Don't worry folks...the link will be active shortly. It's always like that for BD/DVD's there. Or you could just pay more a little more at Amazon or CD Japan.
  10. I got the limited edition...kinda glad I sold off my MIB hd release from 2009.
  11. I think it's safe to say that once AmiAmi has it's link up someone will post it here.
  12. Yamato...you missed out putting speakers on the Sound Boosters. Don't pass up the chance with this.
  13. Jeez. Took them long enough considering Macross Last Frontier has been out for several months. Perhaps they'll cover the DYRL Hybrid Pack in 2013. Oh well...I guess it's better than nothing.
  14. Waiting for that AmiAmi link. I'm gonna get BIG points for this.
  15. I'll forgive him for Tytania though.
  16. Thanks for all the memories Ishiguro. You'll be missed.
  17. Damn, pretty big news if you ask me. English subs would be icing on the cake. If the latest Gundam Unicorn and Yamato 2199 can get em...then so should DYRL.
  18. I'm sure they'll eventually have a rerelease. But it'll take about a year. That's about how long it took em to reissue the YF-29.
  19. Amazing skills considering how tiny that is. Keep up the good work.
  20. OUCH. You must have really wanted that 25S.
  21. Thanks for the link. IN on one. This guy is really putting time and effort into this.
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