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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. Boo-urns. That's 1/72 Hasegawa. Thanks for getting me excited for nothing.
  2. I'm down to go a little early.
  3. HURRY! IT'S BACK ONLINE!!! http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?scode=TOY-RBT-2281
  4. I just heard from a little birdy this is canceled.
  5. I'll be there. I'll be heading to see y'all instead of going back to the Bay Area.
  6. I'm looking for hotels in the Burbank area for Saturday night. I'll be coming back from Vegas and it the closest to Arcadia. Are there gonna be any pre-con events?
  7. Bay Area folks one week to go! Aside from the regulars...who're the other MW'ers that're going?
  8. What about for folks that won free tix?
  9. Anyone know if this will be as beefy as Yamato's variant?
  10. Nice. I went with CD Japan since HLJ was backordered. I forgot they had a point system. This issue was almost free for me.
  11. Tempted to fly to LA from Vegas to attend this.
  12. BTW, watch the trailer on Disney.com and you can wreck it with Ralph afterwards http://disney.go.com/wreck-it-ralph/
  13. Sign me up...I was sold with that round table discussion.
  14. WHEW. Got one...thanks tober!
  15. Link will be my fourth Figma figure (Lum, Robocop, Samus). Yeah, after decades it's nice to FINALLY get a Link action figure. Kinda miffed I didn't pick up Golgo 13 and Guts when I had a chance.
  16. Wait a sec... ...there are stars in the background during that scene?
  17. Lemme make another pot of coffee.
  18. http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIG-IPN-4446&page=top GO! GO! GO!
  19. FINALLY! New images of Figma Link. Coming in October. http://blog.yahoo.com/cybergundam/articles/649460/index
  20. Any chance they can start subtitling the separate audio track?
  21. Amazing images...thanks for sharing everyone.
  22. I'd pay good money for a 1/6th Priss in hardsuit.
  23. Just looking back at the release dates...looks like we're getting one issue per year. I'm not too familiar with his previous manga's...but does anyone think this is taking longer than expected? Is Haruhiko Mikimoto allowed to set his own release schedule for this?
  24. You gotta love good head.
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