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UN Spacy

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Everything posted by UN Spacy

  1. http://kotaku.com/5958774/meet-the-man-who-suited-up-iron-man-in-the-avengers
  2. Around the 3:30 mark. I also think that's Tochiro that commented on the translation mistakes...and I'm horribly wrong. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPvswrVTgQI
  3. I saw in a fairly recent Mikimoto interview he's pushing for Macross The First to be animated.
  4. Watching this tonight. BTW....Skyfall is Bond's BIGGEST opening weekend. http://www.yahoo.com/_ylt=AsuXk9BuY29gQArZHoKR6M.bvZx4;_ylc=X3oDMTlhbm4waDBrBF9TAzIwMjM1MzgwNzUEYQMxMjExMTEgbW92aWVzIGJvIHNreWZhbGwgdARjY29kZQNwemJ1ZmNhaDUEY3BvcwMzBGVkAzEEZwNpZC0yODI4MTE3BGludGwDdXMEaXRjAzAEbHR4dANCaWdnZXN0Qm9uZGRlYnV0ZXZlcgRtY29kZQNwemJ1YWxsY2FoNQRtcG9zAzEEcGtndAMxBHBrZ3YDMTcEcG9zAzAEc2VjA3RkLWZlYQRzbGsDdGh1bWJsaW5rBHRhcgNodHRwOi8vbW92aWVzLnlhaG9vLmNvbS9uZXdzL3NreWZhbGwtbmVhcnMtOTBtLWJvbmRzLWJpZ2dlc3QtYm94LW9mZmljZS1ib3ctMTY1MTUwNTEyLmh0bWwEdGVzdAM3MDE-/SIG=13ep1rmj0/EXP=1352770498/**http%3A//movies.yahoo.com/news/skyfall-nears-90m-bonds-biggest-box-office-bow-165150512.html
  5. Just picked up a copy from CD Japan. I was also gonna get NA #15 but that would've bumped up the shipping fees A LOT.
  6. I paid $109 with free shipping when TRU put preorders up on 9/23. It's arriving Tuesday.
  7. So those Fast Packs....pulled out of their arse...right? I don't remember seeing those in the tv series or movies.
  8. Wow...Takara having bad QC for the MP figures? BTW US MP-10 shipped and arriving 11/13.
  9. This one...molded in pearl grey...from 12/2009.
  10. Anyone getting the 1st OST? First Yamato 2199 soundtrack album was released in its 40+ tracks glory. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=LACA-15248 (plus 45 second previews of most of the tracks)
  11. UN Spacy

    Macross figures

    ...and the next SQ Macross 30th figure of Minmay as Orleans Sheryl gear. IIRC the fourth (and last) one will be Ranka as Flower Girl.
  12. Which one is that? Is that the Roman Album?
  13. why are preorders back open? i thought tru hasn't even fulfilled the original preorders that were made in late september.
  14. The Gutto Kurro? I hope it goes on sale pretty soon.
  15. Is this real life?
  16. Is Mr. K the guy in the transformation videos?
  17. I have one from HLJ and one from NY on preorder. One's gotta go.
  18. Features are totally lacking but the sculpt was good. Needs more ass though.
  19. Loving this color scheme...I find it quite refreshing.
  20. UN Spacy

    Macross 30

    Pretty excited about the new details...but I'm gonna have to be amazing for me to drop coin on it. I've been somewhat jaded by the Trial games.
  21. we at robotechx.com all laughing
  22. Wait. Nippon Yasan dropped their prices AGAIN? My preorder says $324.36....but the listing now says $318.11
  23. 1/1000 Gamilas Ship Set 1 http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=TOY-RBT-02817&page=top
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