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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. Probably. Personally it is something I want, but I’m just gonna hope for a moderoid version to save some cash
  2. Nice and crisp. Kinda realistic since he only used the armor once. It probably would’ve looked brand new
  3. They did for some of the Dougram stuff, but I don’t know if they’re gonna be that nice to Macross fans
  4. I’m pretty sure there’s gonna be more vf-19’s coming since they’ve never touched emerald force isn’t too different than the Kai. Hopefully not web exclusive
  5. Luckily they’ve dropped those years ago They do some surprising classics lately, but I think moderoid would beat them to kits, but hmr is an odd possibility. But it’s a long shot since they’ve never touched the franchise
  6. I think the only big issue is durability, and the aqua clear should help, just make sure to test it first because it does take away some shine, but not a lot. Save some sprie
  7. I might get a 31A, but I’d probably skip the rest from delta
  8. I watched mostly on a worn out videotape of the U.S. release and I remember the more greenish look, but that all may be due to inferior quality of the video tape on an old school tv that may have had color issues or just a poor master copy that was given to American distribution. It wasn’t until the later dvd version I had where it looked a bit more blue.
  9. That’s mainly because they require a gloss black enamel base coat to work
  10. It’s mainly because it’s not really a true lacquer. There are some chrome paints that are far more durable, but they can be pricey
  11. Alclad goes on very easily and looks amazing, but can rub off with a little touch. I tend to only use it on parts that I’ll never handle, like the back of lenses. They do make aqua clear that can seal the paint to make it more durable, but it will lose some of the shine. Other top coats can totally ruin it. Just be aware of its limitations and how to use it.
  12. I kinda feel the same, but wouldn’t mind one. I’d still rather see the J or metal siren. While I have my doubts about non transforming models, it is still a rather new line. There’s definitely some room far a little surprise here and there. I do think that something like a Queadluun Rae is more likely than most of the destroids or other suits, but would like to see the armor from Plus and some of the M2 armors
  13. I kinda doubt Bandai will do these two since wave is already right about to have them in 1/100
  14. Definitely would love some 11’s. I like the one from plus the most as a basic vf, but would absolutely spaz if there’s an armored one from 7🤞
  15. Has Bandai ever done anything for Mospeada. I couldn’t think of anything, but it would be cool to see
  16. Those are some interesting picks, I’m hoping that they do the non transforming mecha as well. Not sure if they will, but I do have hope, although I’m also still hoping for an hmr tomahawk……………
  17. I threw that junk out a couple years ago. I was a little sad to do it, but also very relieved. I had the armored red stripe and sniper basic pack and they would just stand there looking pretty, but every now and then would fall over and it would be like a grenade exploded. They didn’t even fall to the floor, just kinda to the side or something and it was hamburger hill all over the room from a fall of an inch or less. I don’t know if that’s as much an impact as the fact that they’d be really limited on where they could sell from. Hlj is probably the only place in Japan selling them to outsiders and Bandai would have to jump through some licensing hoops to have over seashores stock them. I kinda get the feeling that they started with Plus due to American interests to test the waters though. But I don’t know if wave is really gonna be an issue as much as just another reason to hold up a little longer.
  18. It wouldn’t be too difficult. Just need a movie hand set and pack in all the head and decal options
  19. I think the VF-1 is a going to happen, but not anytime soon. They do have zero on that list, so I could see a vf-0 . I still hope they keep doing plus and 7, so I can get a vf-11 and hopefully an armored version.
  20. So these are the ones I guess you can make using the included markings in the deculture pack. I’m pretty sure there would be some painting involved in some of these
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