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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. Yeah, finished it a while ago. Pretty great show with the absolute worst mom ever
  2. I was getting confused with the triple missiles. I don’t think they showed up in the movie
  3. Yeah, there’s only scene I remember is when they’re back on earth and getting attacked by Mirya in the movie. They didn’t use the boxes in the show and I don’t remember seeing them in space, but I’ll recheck soon nah, they were also in loadouts in space with the nukes at the beginning and at the final scene. I think it’s the triple missiles that aren’t in the movie
  4. That’s pretty cool song always seemed odd in the original movie, but here a song about history repeating itself makes more sense
  5. I’ve always thought the missile boxes were super silly in atmosphere, but oddly that’s the only place I think they’re ever shown
  6. Thought I’d stick a few more images to show head options and articulation
  7. That’s pretty cool, always loved Johnny Quest. Great show way ahead of its time
  8. With the price of their toys, a diecast toy would probably be a thousand dollars. as far as this kit, it may actually be a mostly simple build. The smaller zenith kits didn’t really have seam lines and this larger one seems to have more color separation and even colored eyes. I don’t know if other sensors are colored or not or if exactly how the construction is set yet, but it looks mostly like an upgrade to the little kit with even better articulation like moving toes. There’s a possibility of not requiring paint at all and may just be an easy slap together kit, but I’ll know more when it actually comes out
  9. I get that they want to keep selling it, but there were a few mostly unnamed guys wearing that heavy armor. Mostly the first of the zentraedi to be shown climbing out of a regult and there was a guy shown several times with long hair over an eye that accompanied Quamzin in a few episodes, don’t remember if that guy had a name or not. Even the light armor had a few guys that showed up here and there.
  10. I do have to agree about the horror aspect, but this tech here looks like they over complicated things using outdated technology to accomplish making a jiggly mess. I think the better approach is to start simpler and perfect things that way before going this complex. I’ve seen some prosthetics that are the majority of an arm from being lost just above the elbow. And those were able to use simplified controls to accomplish bending of the elbow and even gripping of hands, and without the loud noise and stuttering joints
  11. I don’t know why they’re doing Bodole Zer in armor, I remember him being extra tall and only shown in a robe in the show and as a bunch of slop with a funky head in the movie. Bretai is another odd choice. Quamzin or Kamjin or however you spell his name seems more like the obvious choice for the heavy armor.
  12. I’ll be honest, I stopped reading books a while ago. I figure if it’s a good book, there will be a movie and I don’t want to be that guy that always says the book was better. Die Hard was a better movie than a book though and I’ll take that win, Even if it’s the only one
  13. I don’t really know, I stopped reading marvel after all the talent quit in the early 90’s, it just seems to be what she’s always referred to as in toys and cartoons. I would think that if she went by a different name, her action figures would say that, but they’re either spider Gwen or Gwen Pool, which is equally as stupid
  14. Still keeping up with the show and really liking where it’s going. Definitely better than the new Batman and Spider-Man cartoons. So I guess it’s probably the best superhero cartoon currently. Gonna keep watching every week, but I wish they’d just put every episode out at one time
  15. Finally got around to the last batch of episodes. Was a bit worried since the rest of the season was kind of a mess and it felt like it really wasn’t about Cobra Kai anymore. I’m really glad by the change and refocusing to the main idea of the show. It didn’t feel jumbled or over the top like the first half Still a bit silly and maybe a good slice of cheese, but I really liked this chunk of the season a lot. It just felt right to end the show this way and I was actually surprised they took this turn here.
  16. I wouldn’t doubt it has gotten better, those old kits were probably more than thirty years old. Although I did think at the time I saw one that it was an interesting idea.
  17. Unfortunately, so does spider Gwen. It would be really hard to keep a secret identity when your own name is part of your hero name. Clark Man or Spider Peter or The Winter Bucky or Aquaman( I couldn’t even remember his actual name and he’s already a lame character) or Green Oliver( could’ve been Queen Arrow, but that would be just confusing) are all pretty bad.
  18. Maybe there will be one on amazon if that Nicholas Cage series ends up something. personally, I’ve never really liked the spider Gwen character. It always felt very what ify and then name was kinda dumb. It would be like if Bat Bruce or Iron Tony were actual super hero names.
  19. It’s probably more of a Bandai thing, but they may be just filling extra orders for when the second batch comes along. I still think it’s crazy that hlj seems to be the only site in Japan that sells Bandai model kits to people outside of Japan.
  20. Just hoping it turns out better than when they did it on the old hg 1/144 gundam mkII
  21. I kinda like the fact that both groups have different style ships and Armor. It makes them appear as totally different species as they thought themselves to be. The more organic Zentran ships looking more alive and the more mechanical Meltran ships looking like something completely different, although I would’ve liked to have seen some variation in the Meltran mecha other than just the armors that would’ve been more angular to fit the looks of the ships a bit more
  22. That’s probably an oopsie
  23. Those are the movie ones. They were far less organic looking than the male ships in the movie. More sharp edges and flat surfaces
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