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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. I believe that’s the Imai Kamjin kit for the bigger one and the smaller one looks like the one that came with the Imai Nousjadeul Ger power armor kit
  2. Hadn’t checked on this thread in a couple weeks, so a bit of a late response. On the bootleg dvd that I had Max basically says she’s beautiful, but her response more like Beutiful? As though she didn’t understand and it sort of sounds like she could be questioning it as a new term or that she could be questioning finding him beautiful. It does seem like there is some kind of confusion to her. gotta add another edit since I kinda just thought about it that Miria might not speak any of our languages. She may have just been repeating what Max said out of confusion and maybe kinda getting the hint. She’s Meltran and I don’t think they took the time to try and understand any earth languages the way the Zentran had. The Meltran showed up later, but were never really shown to have tried to investigate things, just kinda went on the attack with a completely different objective
  3. I used to watch the Saber Rider version as well. But I can’t say many people from the time it was shown watched it. Definitely one of the lesser known import shows
  4. Do Mospeada items like what this may be go for that kind of money. I could see a bigger property going for quite a bit, but I gotta say that I am a bit ignorant over the value of Mospeada items like this painting. I could see something like Macross or Gundam going for quite a bit more and maybe something like Battle Star Galactica or Star Wars going for and extreme amount more, but I’ve never really priced these items.
  5. Hopefully it means proper colors. I still am having trouble finding images of the light armor guys entering or exiting any regult other than the recon type. they seem to only show the heavy armor guys in them. Kinda wondering if the light armor guys are more technical and the heavy guys are just more tough and ready to get into the fight
  6. I have quite a few of those also and really love em. And I definitely like the bigger variety. Lately I haven’t been buying toys, but still pick up models and I could get the bigger Aoshima kits, but I love the variety with the Moderoid line. I’m actually really surprised by their diversity as well
  7. Yeah, those were pretty bad. Unfortunately this seems pretty true. I believe that no matter who was in charge, it would have still been a mess. Everything Disney has had their stamp on in recent years has also had their stink. KK wasn’t in charge of the Eternals or Secret Invasion or She Hulk. Disney, just knows how to ruin a franchise, no matter who takes charge. They can ruin Marvel or Indy or Star Wars or even their own stuff like Pinocchio. They just know how to make bad choices these days and every once in a while something does get through and ends up good, but they don’t seem to understand what makes that good movie or show and they pump out 💩
  8. I like that mint green.
  9. Probably because they’re starting to sell the pilots separately. But you never know
  10. Great work on this one, especially the pilot
  11. This should’ve been called the Taco Bell Blues
  12. I’ve seen plastic yellow even from being out of a light source, but it’s far less than what I’ve seen from sun damaged plastic. UV definitely does damage. But maybe oxidation can occur over a longer period of time, but plastic does do some wild breakdowns from heat as well
  13. I kinda wonder if it will actually lead to any change. I don’t think she was in charge of the non lucasfilm Disney failures. Disney seems to know how to ruin a franchise no matter who is in charge. Either way, I do hope they can get their 💩together
  14. Some weird casting there. I guess Hollywood still hates redheads
  15. I finally found a picture of the guy with the longer hair that was teamed up with Kamjin in a couple episodes. I don’t know if he’s ever named, but he wears a heavy armor and oddly it’s purple like the light armormost heavies are kinda brownish like the guy that jumped the gun at the mars ambush.
  16. Well it’s definitely tough to tell from the bad picture here, but as a bit of a plus to its possible authenticity, if you follow around the edges you can see color that has gotten under where borderline tape would have been. As though in a few spots paint leaked under the tape that may have been there. Other than that I can’t really see anything else from this quality of picture to say this is the real deal.
  17. Don’t forget the eva 01
  18. Everyone has a different pace or method to their builds and maybe not all of us are cat owners, but we all know how loss feels and we all got your back
  19. That song totally blows. It’s like a bar band that got way too drunk before singing and just didn’t care anymore knowing they were about to break up and the lead singer doesn’t have a backup plan other than a beat up van life. Star Wars really needs to stay far away modernish music. It also sucks that whenever they try to do modernish music on their shows that the songs suck so bad
  20. Did they just reuse the same bodies. I think they should’ve made Warera bigger and Loli smaller. Hopefully they at least get the heads right. I still hate the armor colors
  21. I kinda thought those all disappeared. I haven’t seen on in a long time
  22. There already a perfect actor for prince adamperfect hair and everything
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