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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. I have a feeling that it’s watercolor. The watercolor paints can be much more difficult to spot raised brush strokes. Oils can tend to have more of a texture to them.
  2. This could be an awkward moment when you show them of by saying this arm’s for my lil Focker and this one’s for the big Focker
  3. Or just from way back in the beginning. Valkyrie is rather og. but then again the og has had things from several cultures and religions in their naming, like Daedalus and Prometheus. Pretty much every release that I can think of has a bit of something in it from one religion or culture to another, also me far more than others (just catching up on some threads I neglected, so forgive the awkwardly late comments here)
  4. Moderoid just recently started doing these, and they have a better track record for doing more mecha from franchises that often just get the main mecha releases. Their Patlabor lineup is probably the best example, Escaflowne had four releases, which is still better than most. Their Brain Powered lineup also has a big variety, even Robocop has had technically 4 kits. I think there’s a pretty good chance at more from Orguss.
  5. So the movie isn’t called “ It ain’t Ogre till it’s Ogre
  6. I kinda liked the last movie. is this a live action project? I’d love that. The best we got was a cool car commercial and a bit of an odd cameo in the last movie
  7. Try an erasable method if you’re scared. Water color or some people here like clay based gunk washes. I’ve been using water color pencils and the tamiya makeup sets. With water color pencils, they can get wet and flow into grooves or when dry they can draw on the surface to make drip marks or scratches depending on the colors and can be cleaned of with a wet tissue if you go overboard. Just make sure to top coat afterwards to keep things from rubbing off
  8. I’ve never watched it, but I do remember this image, but I think I saw the 3D and thought it was just 3.
  9. Yeah, he didn’t just feel like he was playing himself in every role.
  10. There was a 4????
  11. Oh damn, a lot of nerds are gonna cry over that bit of info
  12. I don’t even know where they’re getting most of their names.
  13. Yeah, that’s what I was thinking yesterday. I don’t think they really talked to eachother. They just kinda did hand signals. maybe that’s why their relationship worked out in the movie version and fell apart for a while in the tv universe. Max just did odd hand signals, then he showed her the classic then they……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. and that’s how they repopulated the earth for Macross 2
  14. I loved that little Nousjadeul Ger kit. It’s way more fun than such an ancient model kit had any right to be. That one and their Queadluun Rau were two of my favorite examples of how Imai was far ahead of their time with plastic models
  15. It’s definitely not an easy thing for someone to deal with. Liver failure can be tough and then to have the issue of getting a replacement and that possibly failing is really a horrible thing to happen. Most people expect the best when they get that second chance. It’s really heartbreaking
  16. Moderoid will be more likely since they’ve done three new Orguss kits with the standard Orguss , the Olsen one and the upcoming Nikick. They’ve done quite a few items for Patlabor completionists and maybe they’re gonna continue with that treatment for Orguss fans as well
  17. that’s a good possibility. But until the investigation is done it’s still a mystery. I’ve seen some wild things like food poisoning shared between family members and pets to potatoes poisoning the air. But most of the time it tends to be carbon monoxide. French connection still holds up
  18. Yeah, the hg kits are pretty awesome. But it’s mainly because they don’t try for a full transformation. By skipping on the gimmick for a cool toy they went for the look of a great model
  19. I think most of the reports were saying that the mom was checking on her due to some issues because of the liver operation. Things can go very wrong with operations on the liver, just like other major organs. I don’t have a reason to doubt that that could be the cause here since the mom seemed aware of an issue.
  20. I believe that’s the Imai Kamjin kit for the bigger one and the smaller one looks like the one that came with the Imai Nousjadeul Ger power armor kit
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