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Big s

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Posts posted by Big s

  1. 1 hour ago, no3Ljm said:

    It's just so hard to swallow since it's just a big action figure with just detailed painting compared to Hot Toys prices which I understand due to realism, fabric, detailed accessories, etc. I've seen those big (roughly 1/6 scale) 6-8 points of articulated figures for like $20-30. So yeah, even if I wanted that mutant couple, I can't bring myself on getting it.

    I think that’s pretty much my thoughts on these. They’re just up scaled six inch figures. That price is way too high for that.

  2. 1 hour ago, TangledThorns said:

    I absolutely loved the original film. It was peak 1990s goth and had a huge influence with its style and music in the scene back then. I think if they ever did make a reboot it should be made in black & white to look like the graphic novel.

    I don't have much hope with this new film though.


    It probably won’t be as good as the original, but probably far better than the sequels and show 

  3. 3 minutes ago, TangledThorns said:

    Oh jeez. This could be really good, lol.

    Or really really bad. All I know is he’ll probably have a particular set of skills and there’s a high probability that one of his family members will be kidnapped. That’s usually what happens in his movies, but I will say that even in his bad films that he’s great in his role 

  4. 2 hours ago, jvmacross said:

    Watched the first one once...and thanks to the link above just found out there were 3 sequels?

    I'll wait for the reboot to come to one of the streaming services I currently somehow am still paying for...and maybe watch it

    You’re not missing much. Each sequel went a bit more downhill as they went on. Although it’s always fun to watch Iggy Pop die in a movie.

    I always feel that odd surprise to find out about large amounts of unknown sequels.  Sorta like with there being something like three or four Darkman movies or Five or Six Underworld movies and a handful of From Dusk Till Dawn movies

  5. I like that clean looking Hygog. That’s one of those kits that’s kinda tough to make smooth with all the seams running through vents and such. The only nitpick that I’d give it is that the underwater stuff has the bars upside down, but it’s a tiny nitpick. 
    Lots of great builds everywhere 

  6. 2 hours ago, Sanity is Optional said:

    I'd love it if they would do a special presale for people who actually go to see the shows they buy tickets for, rather than transferring them.

    Seems like it would be really easy to track...

    That’s what Ticketmaster says they do, but it seems like just words

  7. 1 hour ago, Sanity is Optional said:

    Tried to get tickets to see Yoasobi late last week.

    Spent an hour during the presale and another 2 during the normal sale.

    No dice.

    Now the tickets that were $50-$100 are $500+, so I guess I'm not going to go see them.

    Man, I despise scalpers.


    I feel like the presales for shows are a joke these days. They give the codes to everyone these days. Things didn’t feel as tough back in 2019, but it’s been rough the last couple years since things opened up again 

  8. 50 minutes ago, jvmacross said:





    Some people really underestimate Max’s skills. He’s great at piloting, great at video games, great with the ladies and great at alterations. To be able to make a jacket that fits such a tiny dude go over his 1-A in only a few minutes is an amazing task.

  9. 16 minutes ago, derex3592 said:

    Primary painting done on the Superhornet. It's hard to tell in the pics but the blotchy under pattern juuuust shows through. Took my time to try to get it juuuust right. The resin after market pilots literally dropped in like they were made for the model! No chopping of feet, legs or butts! 😁  I got them painted up pretty good for 1/72. Pretty happy with this build so far.... BUT.... the now DREADED Academy decals are coming up.... Uhhhgggg..... Which is sad because decaling is usually really fun for me. We shall see... 





    Good luck on those decals. Hope you end up a pro after this application 

  10. IMG_2444.jpeg.01615bc5fe02b48dc8c416116321df65.jpegabsolutely beautiful. But 90 bucks for a figma before shipping. Most of the U.S. prices are between $120 and $130 before shipping and taxes. I think I need another big holiday sale to justify the purchase, but I can’t stop looking at all the detail, it’s amazing 

  11. 4 hours ago, MechTech said:

    Thank you very much! Yeah, I only heard about water colored pencils through my modeling club. They are an AWESOME and cheap tool!

    I only heard about them a couple years ago through my daughter taking an art class. I’d used pencils and colored pencils in modeling, but hadn’t really heard of the water color pencil thing. I know AK has weathering pencils and they’re the exact same thing, but way more expensive and with far fewer colors. They’ve got all the advantages of using water colors and color pencils in one item. I wish I knew about them a couple decades ago when I would paint minis for stuff like 40k. 

  12. 3 minutes ago, Bobby said:

    Another cool Labor mashup using Yutaka Izubuchi's MS-18E Kampfer...



    Looks surprisingly cool in those colors, it’s still one of my favorite hg kits of all time, even though it was a bit on the slim side.

  13. 1 hour ago, MechTech said:

    OK, FINALLY calling this thing DONE! Sorry for all the photos, but in case anyone wanted a better view, it's there now. I COMPLETELY redid this build from what you may have seen before. It was just the projectile and the gun. Now its the equipment and base to go with the gun plus the crew. Even the gun mount has parts that were redone.

    For those that get disappointed or frustrated with your builds, EVERYTHING on this build has been redone MULTIPLE times! So don't give up on what you're doing.

    SORRY, my camera made many of the photos (especially the figures) look like they were paint by numbers - it got TOO digital!

    The projectile completed and weathered. I stripped and repainted the driving band on it several times too - just in the past couple of weeks! Getting that metallic look was tough. I wish I could do better. The top number on the projectile is real. You can go and order it in the U.S. DoD supply system.😉


    Last piece completed for the gun mount (it's the black part that sticks out on the lower left side now).


    The gun chief, or, "Little Orphan Annie" with those eyes🤣 and gun crew. Figure painting is NOT my strength! By the way, use WATER COLOR colored pencils! They're awesome and beat a tiny paintbrush any day of the week! Water can be used to blend or clean off what you did. They also smear/blend nicely too.










    And everything running. EVERYTHING runs off one "D" battery (1.5volts). The motor (to give it the right speed) and the LEDs run a a "joule thief" circuit to up the voltage. One LED is a color changer, the other is a tealight candle LED. Nothing fancy.


     Thanks for checking in guys! - MT

    Amazing work. I love watercolor pencils as well. They can color like paint or be as precise as a sharpened color pencil and surprisingly cheap for a full set of colors.

  14. 1 hour ago, jenius said:

    EDIT - Is the pilot articulated or is it just something that stands next to the Battlepod and never goes in?

    It’s supposed to sit inside. That’s why there are teasers that show a figure can fit. As far as the prototype shown, I’m not sure if it has joints in the pilot yet or if it’s another one of their cloth bodysuits that has armor glued on

  15. 8 hours ago, Tking22 said:

    I'm considering grabbing the 2.0 Snyder-League Batman, but Mafex prices are frakking insane! Everyone gives Bandai crap for rising Figuarts prices, and I agree, but damn, Mafex is far more egregious IMO. All I have is a KO Mafex Batman, the Figuarts Justice League Batman was absolute garbage and I gave mine to one of my cousin's kids, maybe I'll wait and see if I can get the Mafex 2.0 for cheaper after release. 

    All these Japanese figures are really getting expensive. Figuarts, Figma, Mafex and the stuff from square arts are just too expensive these days. There’s a lot of stuff I like and even when I really like an item, I still hesitate over the prices. I definitely don’t like the Hasbro marvel stuff, but I kinda wish there was a middle ground on price and looks. 

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