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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. This question always makes for fun arguments. Most of the time in animation when a vf1 is in a scene with a zentraidi soldier or pilot they are more or less the same size, while sometimes the mecha will be a mix of the same height or will appear as a towering machine almost twice the height. The manual pics show the zentraidi being a mix of height from just over waist high to a vf1 for pilots and others like Breetai being closer to the same height and other characters being even bigger. I guess you just have to choose the scale on personal taste. Personally I like the idea of the zentraidi being about the height of the valkyrie. It just makes them seem more menacing.
  2. Just got my kakashi from naruto in the mail. The knee covers over the joints are loose on mine and fall off in extreme poses. I'm going to glue them on. There's not much as far as weapons go just 2 kunai an effects part and his porno. The hip joints have an interesting way of hiding joints. And has some extra hands and a couple extra faces. It's a fun one for naruto fans
  3. I would like to see a revive of gp01to capture more of the anime feel as well. I'd also like to see the f2 zaku redone and a xamel for once. Maybe I'm asking too much from bandai for a xamel.
  4. The preview looks entertaining and early audience screenings have good reviews so I may check this out now that there is a bit of a pre dead pool slowdown.
  5. Their human faces do look bad, but the aliens look good.
  6. I have seen their alien figures and they look cool but after getting the revoltech one for the original I haven't got around to these. I would like to hear some good reviews before I buy anything from this line.
  7. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    After seeing the non bandai vf2ss the hmr version may be an interesting item and I really hope that it gets made along with some of the other prototypes that have been teased.
  8. That old Imai kit was a neat set. If I remember it was a 4 mode in one box set with battroid, fighter, gerwalk and fighter with just the legs down. I had seen a few dioramas of it.
  9. I really love the instruction art in those older kits. I wish bandai would make a gp01 that looks more like it.
  10. Big s

    Bandai 1/35 DX VF-1

    I probably won't be able to afford this item, but I am extremely interested in it. Hopefully they put out some details soon.
  11. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I just took a look at that motor city toys page and they were a bit high priced, but not as much as some others. They do seem to have a shipping discount if you spend over $150 that could help people that have trouble getting a preorder. I have never ordered from them and didn't know the site existed but they have an interesting selection of items.
  12. Well I was hoping it wouldn't be a parts former, if the end product looks good with out loose parts that fall off I'll still want to buy them. Do you buy a fighter and a battroid or is everything you need in one package?
  13. I was just reading an article about this Stormtrooper and turns out he not only has a designation but a nickname too. Nines ( probably for the double 9's) and does have some back story in one of the books. I never would have known if this thread weren't around I might not have got the curiosity to google it.
  14. The fact that it has a really cool figure with an amazing robot makes me want this. I just hope I can afford it when it comes out.
  15. If he did survive he needs a promotion and some awesome custom armor, because all Phasma did was get konked on the head gave up the enemy base and ultimate space weapon then got thrown out with the garbage. Hopefully If Phasma survived she can make up for her massive failure and do something besides being amazing eye candy.
  16. Seems that we are losing too many great music legends this season. It's really bringing me down. Time to pull out the classics in memory again.
  17. That riot Stormtrooper was definitely the most capable storm trooper ever on the big screen.
  18. I love this build. I can't wait to see the pilot completed.
  19. Wave's vf1 seemed a little off, but their scope dog turbo custom from votoms looks pretty cool and the destroid kits looked nice. Although they usually don't pose like bandai gundam kits I think new monster kit would make me spaz. I usually like a lot that looks good vs a kit that can crouch on one knee.
  20. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    Fifbeat The1s Roy is a web exclusive so you may have to pay more. From what I understand some Japanese retailers are still have the preorder open, but I'm not sure of the current pricing.
  21. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I don't know about that bad guy argument because the regult sold out rather quickly. Price could have been a factor though. Even in Japan bad guys sell. For gundam char products usually sell good even with those spikes clown bots around. Bandai also made the Star Wars sh figuarts toys and most of the non cannon fodder characters do well, with dbz vegita figures also do well and seem harder to get than most goku toys. With the 1/60 items most of them were remakes or repaints of existing items, and Yamato seemed to want to take advantage of the size to show of their technique on transforming items. I think the fact that given more time as a company the may have tried to make more of the non transformable subjects. Although some of their transforming items were bad guys or at least antagonists.
  22. I understand that the manga may not be done, but to make ova's, movies and tv shows that just feel unfinished is a bit frustrating. Maybe if for example another series starts up it has an end at whatever story arc they finish at while still leaving it possible to have a second season or movie or even ova sequals if it becomes popular. The usual stories all basically start from the same spot then just end when it starts getting interesting without any real closure. I guess that to some, mostly in Japan they can just read the comic. But even though I would for a U.S. Example would read the spawn comics and had watched the series and felt disappointed that it didn't really have an end either. With guyver I feel the same dissapointment over and over every time it gets done redone and rebooted.
  23. The revive for the old school gouf looks good too. I'm curious what else they have planned.
  24. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I think the reason for the glaug preorder being easy to get was due to a few factors. Bandai may have realized the previous items in the hmr line were massive sell outs and may have increased production. There were also a lot of items that were must buys for other toy lines that came up at the same time for collectors of Star Wars, Dragon Ball z, Avengers and other stuf I'm forgetting right now. The other items may be more relevant to more collectors than the glaug is to an old bastage like me. Those other preorders popped up at the exact same time creating a lot of competition and the earliest sell out item was Mace Windu, but dbz fans were right behind that followed by the other product that mostly were made by bandai.
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