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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. I don't think th gunpod sound as ring tone would be a good idea, unless you don't like people getting too close they will think you had the most epic of epic burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrritos for lunch.🙀
  2. I think the anime boom may be due to a lack of American action cartoons.
  3. I always loved the sound that gunpod made. It brings back memories.
  4. I didn't know gundams had a drinking problem. At least they're trying to quit smoking😏
  5. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    One thread to rule them all.
  6. Those sentinel kits were good for their time, but I hope they get a good revive soon. Some of the revives like the gouf, gyan and guncannon are fairly good, the mk2 gundams needed better hands though.
  7. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I kinda like the one thread, there is usually only one item for preorder about every 2 months. Between the preorders there's time to discuss what's next speculations and awkward Japanese marketing discussions and who makes the best vf1 or regult or whatever hilarious arguments fun. All in all I feel like if it relates to hmr it's just fun all around. The toys are simple fun and so are the comments. I'm probably just lazy and don't want to search another thread every time a new item comes up or gets teased. We probably would have 30 different threads including repaints or exclusives include.
  8. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    When bandai releases a web exclusive they try to milk the design, so I'm pretty sure hey will release one regult with one missile attachment.
  9. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    My previous example with dunbine robot spirits(not sh figuarts, always getting the 2 confused) has had a lot more bad guys than good and they are still making more. I don't think dunbine was as popular as macross and probably less relevant now that newer macross series have been made, yet they are still adding more to the line. The cost of most of the figures like the drumlo are about the same as the regult and the price of the zwarth is almost the cost of the glaug, and sometimes stock doesn't sell out right away. So I don't think having some hmrs sitting on the shelf is a good example of a non successful line.
  10. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

  11. He can't kill off his character yet because he hasn't had a hug scene with his love interests from temple of doom or last crusade yet. Every time Harrison Ford goes back to an old franchise these days they have to bring in the actress from the old movie and at least give him a hug and maybe a smooch. They may even try to do it with blade runner😏
  12. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    As far as the hmr vf-1 I I have the armored1j opened the Hikaru 1s strike in box and the Roy 1s strike with the stand on preorder. I plan on opening the Roy even though it may be more collectible than the Hikaru because I just don't think I would ever sell it. If they make all the prototypes then there is still the super 1a, elint seeker, the m&m super1j the tv armored 1j and the vt1 which will make more than enough vf1s for me. So if anyone skipped a vf1 and can't get a hold of one there will be more chances coming up. At fist when bandai decided to do these hmr toys I was a little worried about if they would finish the line, but after looking at the sh figuarts dunbine series I've become more confident about these.
  13. I have to agree on the box art. I think the kit is the same just recolored though, but the art on that first box looks great on a wall.
  14. I don't think I would mind Shia as long as they don't use him in the cheesy scenes like crystal skull. The motorcycle chase through the school was fun even though a bit over the top, but not bad like swinging with the monkeys. His character if it had been used right would have made a great successor to the old Indy. Indy was good with a whip and his son was good with blades.
  15. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    Originally I was going to make a small box to attach to a stand for storing small parts, then I got the idea of using the regult. I guess for other vfs I could use a glaug or get the regult alternates with small and heavy missile launchers that may come out soon. Or if bandai gets lazy and doesn't put a pilot in the zentraidi armor suits I guess at least that's more storage space. Now I'm wondering if the extra wing parts will fit in the upcoming monster.
  16. The worst part about it is that when I look at those images on my phone I try turning it sideways to see the image correctly then my phone immediately changes perspective and the image is sideways again. Stupid technology trying to confuse me again now I'm turning my phone like I'm making a perpetual right turn making pretend doughnuts.
  17. I personally didn't hate his son from crystal skull, I just think that some of the scenes in that movie were just way over the top. I also don't hate that movie, it may not be one I choose to rewatch like the first 3 films, but I don't think it's as bad as most people say. I guess to me parts of the movie are bad, and some parts are great, so it makes for just an ok movie to watch, but the old ones were almost perfect and make for a terrible comparison.
  18. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I found an odd use for my regult other than just being an awesome action figure. If you put small parts from one of the hmr vf1s in a small ziplock bag like the heat shield or extra hands, you can store them in the regult cockpit. The bag makes it easier to grab, rather than having to shake the regult to to get the small parts out.
  19. Is there any word on more of the 1/144 volks ims kits.
  20. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I'd be worried about messing up the paint around the thrusters if using any liquids, but you can easily fit some tape in there.
  21. That new duck tales image is surprisingly high detailed for a Disney series. I may have to force my daughter to watch it with me so I have an excuse when friends and family stop by.
  22. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    The side thrusters are loose on mine, but it's a non issue. They don't hold any weight and are well balanced so they don't move on their own. The rear cannons on mine are just fine.
  23. With all the talk of gummy bears and duck tales and Disney Saturday nostalgia does dungeons and dragons fit in that category now that Disney seems to own most of marvel productions? That was a big favorite of mine on Saturday mornings.
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