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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. She body swaps every now and then so maybe her Japanese body meets an unfortunate end and a future black widow fan dies in a non scarring way and their ya go non Japanese Motoko. Or she just grew up on the air base and just has a distant relative.
  2. I have to admit that I know next to nothing about the eu. I watched droids and ewoks and a made for TV movie or two back in the day, but it's been so long I couldn't tell you what they were about.
  3. What kind of plastic are these? If they are poly styrene regular cement should work. But if they are ABS super glues like locktite and zapagap should work. I have had problems getting ABS to stick with cement in the past. ABS may also reduce the need for polycaps.
  4. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    Well the one in the first pics are move type with square hands movie pilot and movie head, in the next pics they show tv head an round hands for the show. If the pilot can be swapped out I'm in. I was dissapointed when I thought the was a movie only version without fast packs, but now that it's a 2 in1 I'm more interested.
  5. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I would probably be more excited for the 1a if it had the add ons, but it's odd that the movie version has no fast packs. If it were the tv version I could understand since I don't remember a cf with the packs in the show. Likewise I don't remember a movie version without fast packs, other than a load out scene.
  6. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    Did it list the price
  7. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    Cf tv 1a non super. I don't think that was even on the list. The 1a I was hoping for was the super pack from the movie teased a while ago. Maybe the Max with the September release tag is a web exclusive, or maybe we will be getting more than one a month since the Max has the super pack and the 1a is just a small release. I looked at the picture a bit closer and it has the movie pilot and square hands, so why no super pack?
  8. I'm not against the idea of killing bad guys, but killing minor bad guys and letting mass murdering psychos like the joker live is an interesting point brought up by Tking22. I know that in the marvelverse some could say the same for the treatment of Loki, but at least that was more an alien family issue. Does the dc film universe have any rules for how to handle these things yet or is it just random convenience.
  9. I hope spidey gets a bad guy that doesn't die in the first film. I like how Loki haunts Thor and the Avengers without being a ghost or a figment of the imagination.
  10. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    The regult scout was on the voting list and modifying the original wouldn't be too difficult.
  11. The xforce comic came from the end of new mutants, but is the movie coming before or after the xforce film and where in this confusing timeline do these take place. I love the newer films, but I'm getting lost. Maybe a timeline should be made excluding the old X men films to keep things simpler.
  12. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    If I'm not mistaken Glaug is may, Monster is July and Max is September so if Millia ends up a web exclusive and Bandai sticks to the voting list November may end up Tomahawk time. If Millia ends up a standard release that throws off my crap scheduling. I forgot that that armored1j tv version was awkwardly high on the list for voting, so maybe New Years Tomahawk.
  13. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I think that was September release with a preorder coming up very soon. They don't seem to be going by wave 1,2 as much as a standard release every 2 months with a web exclusive thrown in the mix like the Roy 1s. The millia may end up a web exclusive since it's a recolor of the Max. So far they are picking from the vote list recently and a few of the ones pictured already have prototypes shown on display, so I have a feeling we will see them all one day and hopefully more. As far as vf1's I'd like to see that super 1a that was teased a while back, but I love them all and with a couple of months between it gives me time to eve up for the next release.
  14. Any fight scene from scott pilgrim or the rooftop fight from Jackie Chan's who am I. I love the fact that they took a break from kicking each other's shins to sooth their ouchies in who am I.
  15. I always hated ant man as a kid, but I really enjoyed the movie. It was a real fun time at the movies and I'm looking forward to the sequel. Somehow marvel can take characters I hate or know next to nothing about and give them an entertaining movie.
  16. I kept hearing batman was the best thing next to Alfred in bvs so maybe this will be good. Any word on bad guys yet?
  17. I'm not pleased with the looks of some of the characters and the reshoot thing worries me, but the new trailer looks fun. I'll probably wait on the reviews before buying a ticket. I do hope it saves the dcu, otherwise bring on the reboots before we get too many films in. If it does turn out good then at least a good third of the dcu would be worth saving and may inspire the rest of the projects to be better.
  18. It may just be the angle of the pictures. The battroid looks more like a modern transformer.
  19. I'm not to into Star Trek although I did watch ds9 and I was never very entertained by it, so if new bsg was something to compare to that I guess I didn't miss much. I did love red dwarf and all its goofy characters. As far as more serious scifi shows I did enjoy Babylon 5( I think it was 5 it's been a while).
  20. I'm no expert on Star Trek, but I think I remember an interview regarding the warp nacelle needed to be almost separate from the ship because they were warping space around them and not the ship. That explanation made sense to me at the time, but not as much now.
  21. Hey scyla when I first saw the picture in you're post of the mpc kit I first saw it as at-at and after looking at as an adult I can see it as an acronym even though it took a couple of seconds although the way the letters are spaced still makes me think it's ok either way. Now when I look back to my childhood I think most people in my age bracket would read it as at at as well and most adults back then didn't build star wars kits. Someone earlier posted that due to the younger generations of fans with this new invention called the Internet had more exposure to the correct terms than us dumb old folks.
  22. I honestly don't care if the main characters in the new star wars movies are male or female, as long as we don't get a goofy reboot where all the characters get a gender swap. I never did watch the new battle star galactica due to the female starbuck and probably never will and I might end up with the same decision about ghostbusters. At least ghostbusters is actually new characters, but probably crap. I am however very interested in this film. The Disney franchise films lately may not be perfect, but they are perfectly entertaining.
  23. My problem with these kind of junky robot designs is that when they start punching my eyes have a hard time telling where one robot ends and one begins. They just look like piles of scrap rolling around instead of mechanical humanoid shapes.
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