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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. It looks like they are prepainted, but some markings are decal. On the pics for the vf1 it looks like some of the important markings may be printed, but from those pics some like the un spacy on the gun has a rectangular edge that leads me to the conclusion that there may be a need for decals, but I really don't know if it's just a case of those being prototype pictures. There also appears to be a decal sheet, but I wasn't sure if those were for customizing current or upcoming kits like support vehicles and backgrounds or if they are the ones you need for these.
  2. Yeah the division is a real mess. The first incursion had too many glitches, we lost 3 of our team falling through the ground, then retried it later and my character somehow while dodging a grenade I rolled behind a solid wall and couldn't get out. I didn't feel bad about cheesing that after being cheesed by the game itself. It was like revenge.
  3. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    Or dat flapidy flap
  4. Same ol cod. Just be ready to kill the last boss with your pistol in slo mo.
  5. I just posted how great I thought the costume was in tha apocalypse thread, but every time I see the mask and the fact that they did those eyes like that amazes me. All the old comic characters had white eyes in the face masks, but the rarely treat the eyes thi way in film. I think the only other on that didn't show human eyes are on the spawn costume. Spidey costumes have had eyes on the mask as well but they were much larger and not exactly in the same category.
  6. I liked the dark blue and yellow school uniforms of the other recent films. The new ones look a little cosplayish to me. Maybe after watching the full movie the new outfits will grow on me, deadpool had a great comic outfit right down to the eyes.
  7. I really liked the first film when it came out so many years ago. I think it was by the third viewing I started to hate it. It just was very boring and preachy.i hope the new one doesn't end up that way, seeing as how humanity already knows the aliens are invaders.
  8. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    The only valkyrie I've opened so far is the1j armored. That flap on the back has a tight fit and doesn't seem loose on it. Hopefully that one was just that one. Having a missing piece like that would anger me completely.
  9. It looks like the same old kit with a new box. I wish it had the option parts from the other releases.
  10. I personally think of Conan was one of the greatest bad movies of all time. The acting is goofy, but the lines are gold if not pure cheese the action scenes are also silly, but great and the music is just epic and amazing, maybe the best thing about the film.
  11. I would probably buy any rg that comes out if they would just include waterslide decals. I have assembled the og gundam, char's zaku and I have both versions of the 178 and both gp01's to build. I have the after market sheets for those, but I haven't seen any after market waterslide sheets in a while.
  12. So unfortunately I don't read or speak Japanese, so are there other indicators to spot for these decals.
  13. So I checked the link and I have seen these while searching for decal sheets, but I didn't realize they were a different type of marking. Most of these look like an after market option rather than something included with a kit. Are these types of decals included with any current or past kits? Now that I know there is a new type what should I look for to indicate that included decals might be assu deca?
  14. Sounds like a hybrid between watersides and dry adhesive markings. Any way I don't think they give an option of markings types.
  15. Isn't that what happened to Starbuck in battle str galactica.
  16. I think the Pegg movie was Worlds end and the other end of the world comedy that season was end of the world. Any way both were funny, but the Pegg movie was one of my all time favorites. Pegg is a sci fi fan and has worked on some very good films and shows, mostly comedy but i am pretty sure he will help make a more entertaining film. Unfortunately Star Trek fans want serious and not entertaining, so Star Wars fans will like it and everyone else might hate it.
  17. I can see the mess ups, but only because you mentioned them. If you do any more kits just for fun post the pics, then wait to see if anyone notices anything wrong, then let us know all the problems. I can see the panel lines sometimes look a little thick and the 1s chest stripes look like they had some issues, but over all it's just nitpicking and me trying to see the problems you mentioned. Very good work for the scale.
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