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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    They do include 2 sets of antenas ncaae one gets lost. I plugged one in and put a drop of zapagap on the inside of the cockpit and mine already had a tight fit, but now I don't need to worry.
  2. One of my favorite transformer cash ins was ( I could be wrong on the name) Rocklords. They were different colored rocks that changed into robots. I seriously don't get the point of it, but I had a few back in the day.
  3. Reshoots are common, but the extent of reshoots could be a major problem, like with the recent Fantastic 4 movie. Hopefully this won't be a bad film or started out as a bad film in need of major help. 2 female leads in a row isn't too bad for Starwars. After 6 movies the ladies need a bit of love, and not just to be the love interest. I think the next one after episode8 is back to a dude anyway.
  4. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    Just opened a glaug and I love it. Lots of detail and pose ability even in ways I didn't expect. Toes move the carying claw at the ankle extends a bit and opens. The gun arms, for those worried about the weight, are very sturdy the instructions show the extra two attachments for the stand being used not for the arms, but to balance a flight pose at the legs with the legs extended back. Some of the pictures, even on the box led me to believe the eye would be red, but it's a yellowy orange clear color. I wasn't sure from the announcements months ago if it would be red or yellow since some art and pictures and even screen shots have both.
  5. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    Nice finds, I don't know exactly which Carl's burgers are available over there, but if they have it double western bacon cheeseburger is a must.
  6. I hope they bump the number of shows per year up a bit. After Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Daredevil season 2 I feel like an addict in need of a fix but my dealer is serving time and I need him to make parole soon.
  7. Is the car the extra or standard?
  8. I liked the movie. I think the action scenes need some work though. It would probably be my number 4 X film. #1Deadpool for just love of the character they put on film without caring about what the studios wanted.#2 First Class #3 Days of Future Past. The wolverine was alright, and X1 was good for it's time, but the rest were crap that I'm glad got erased.
  9. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I thought of a bonus for the 1j. Now we get the small wings and can use it in the armored unit.
  10. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    Well that's not what I was expecting, but it's an October standard release. The standard release pattern was one every 2 months, but the 1a is September and 1j in October meaning that releases may end up monthly.
  11. As I was growing up I always hated ant man. I didn't like his comics or cartoon appearances, but I really liked the movie and his civil war cameo. I also used to hate Thor and Hawkeye, but I like them in the movies.
  12. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm still hoping the tv pilot in the 1a gets resized before release.
  13. One Punch to rule them all.
  14. So I guess Megahouse is putting out a poseable worker unit from IBO. Looks like it has a pilot included too. I'm hoping it's popular enough that some petit mobile units get made from other series like the ones in 0080 or CCA or Unicorn.
  15. Have they said what rating they are going for. I remember that poor dog in the anime going to pieces and makes me think R, but if they keep it to cyborg and robot fighting it would reduce the blood down to PG, but with Robert directing it could go either way with a lean toward R. Either way I'm more excited about this than most movie news especially after those announcements.
  16. If I'm not mistaken last time Samus was issued the blue suit was released as well, but it was a static figure with no joints. The full figma treatment I think is brand new and wil probably sell out fast..
  17. At least no one can complain about white washing here. I like a lot of Robert Rodriguez films, even the predator that he worked on. This sounds more promising than the ghost in the shell film. Also this weekend image anime has the old dvd for sale I think$7.99 for those who may have missed out years back. Odd timing.
  18. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    If you're talking about the glaug it opens and looks like a clear red eye
  19. I might have the same bootleg with the Brain Man. Either that or it's a bootleg of a bootleg.
  20. The name in English sounds like a disorder of the spleen
  21. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    You could put them on the dyrl 1j since it's sort of a what if version anyway.
  22. That Rick Hunter guy was such a playa
  23. Big s

    Hi-Metal R

    I'm not so sure about this line being far, far away from Yamato/Arcadia. The hmr does things the Yamato doesn't and Yamato does things the hmr doesn't. The Yamato later version has a near perfect transformation, but the hmr has a couple of part swaps. The Yamato has a slightly better fighter and hmr has the better battroid. Bandai leaves off certain red spots but Yamato needs stickers and has more visible screws. The hmr with the small wing set is maybe the only transformable toy of the Valkyrie to have legs that can clear the wings during posing. There's probably some details I'm forgetting to mention about the Valkyries, but the other big thing hmr has going for it is the promise of variety. It's so far just a promise, but I'm hopeful.
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