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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. Is this complete, or is there more work coming?
  2. Cool, you don’t see enough builds with these anymore
  3. I really likes it. This definitely was more on the realistic side, but I kinda put it in an overall thing that also includes The Batman and gives a good background as to how a wormy character like the Penguin could be in a higher spot taking over the city’s underworld. He basically did everything including basically keeping his involvement on the down low to the public by the end of the show. Everyone that could finger him is either dead, unbelievable, or works for him indirectly. It’s just enough breadcrumbs to lead a certain world’s greatest detective to eventually piece things together, but for the pd in general to leave him alone. I also really loved the majority of the actors especially from Colin Farrell and Mr Krabs/the Kurgan
  4. There were definitely worse that came up D+ that didn’t get removed like the Acolyte or Secret invasion, or She Hulk, or Ahsoka, or the Obi show. I’m not sure what the criteria is for them to remove a show. I’d choose Willowover those examples of bad D+ content even though Willow wasn’t good. An STD can be infectious, at least the kept that one to a streaming service nobody seems to have to limit its spread
  5. It’s not the size of the thrusters, but how you use them. all joking aside, as I’ve said a bit above, I think this design would’ve made a better racer. I can’t see this thing holding up in close combat doing high kicks with that flimsy foot design
  6. Yeah, it was picking up a little, but a little too late. That show got shelved ultra fast
  7. I cans see not including them on Hikaru’s 1-J, but these should have em.
  8. Kakizaki has never looked like such a bad mofo He doesn’t just eat steak, he hunts his prey and kills it bare handed. This guy looks totally done with all this Looks like he turned in his two weeks, two weeks ago
  9. After what happened with the series, I kinda doubt a director’s cut would happen, but I wouldn’t mind being wrong
  10. Is that one of the nichimo kits?
  11. Cool, can’t wait to see how it goes
  12. That one’s a definite classic. Great song especially for the gamblers
  13. Let us know how it goes. Nobody seems to really do reviews on these
  14. I’m with you. But I actually think the animation looks alright. Sure the gundam sucks, but there might be a fun or cool story here and the zaku looks alright so far from the preview, so maybe the other mobile suits are cool. I’m very curious about this one, just hoping it’s not a let down but I’ll give it a try. The hg kit for this looks like they packed all the crazy details and maybe this design isn’t for me, but if they treat the other kits from this that well and the designs look good I might have a lot of fun with them. I keep looking at those lower legs around the calves and am really surprised how well they pulled that off, so I gotta at least give Bandai some credit there
  15. Do the knee joints in gasaraki count. They bend, but while running they stretch to allow a bigger stride. It was definitely an interesting thing to see and kinda reminded me slightly of how the ED209 has a leg stretch, just not as drastic. as far as Gundam, the only thing mechanically stopping the windmill action is that whenever they show the joints in high detail without armor, there’s often pistons that allow for a good amount of rotation, but would snap if rotated too far, but that’s only been shown a few times. If it was just on simple rotating joints, then there should be no stopping a wrist from holding a beam saber around for a windmill of death easily. Dunbine had the muscles that would tear and Patlabor might rip its shirt, and nobody wants the embarrassment of ripping a shirt or worse, getting a hole in its pants
  16. I think they may have had a slight trim, but not totally clipped. A lot of other countries were given access to Macross shows, just not the U.S., toys that don’t have the Robotech brand for Mospeada or the old Macross are pretty scarce over here, most hobby shops this side of the ocean won’t carry the plamax vf-1 kits or the Hasegawa stuff from the old Macross either. I’m pretty sure there’s some kind of roadblock going on. The old vf-2 kit was great for its time, but has some weird proportions. It definitely needs an update and I’d absolutely love a new one, but you’re correct about the box and packaging, that was amazing. As far as Bandai and the VF-1 , like you said they are already difficult with their models of all brands. And they recently did the vermillion platoon in hmr, but limited those to web exclusives and then further limited them by not offering them on the U.S. store even though everything else comes over from other properties. I don’t think the Dunbine OVA or Vifam or Dragonar were ever released legitimately here in the U.S., but the American pbandai store has toys and models from those franchises, but skipped offering old school Macross items that probably would have sold well, if not better than something as obscure as a metal build serbine or something.
  17. And out of those 20, somehow the U.S. isn’t on the list
  18. They’re definitely a nuisance company. They somehow found a way to block everyone including themselves from profiting from Macross and customer enjoyment as well.
  19. Same company
  20. I rewatched the trailer and the Zaku looking suit has what appears to be regular shoes for feet. Although simple, they look far better than the g-uuuuuugly feet. I’d like to see more of the Zaku since it so far looks kinda cool to me. Hopefully there are other suits that look cool as well. I may hate that gundam, but maybe I’d buy a kit of that Zaku. I also kinda feel that the gundam looks more like a racer than a fighter Was watching a thing on YouTube and they think the Zaku might be a police unit. Might explain the tactical shoes and riot looking shield, but it’s all speculation at this point
  21. Yeah, it reminds of those new ugly evangelion designs, but with the joints from border break it also oddly reminded me of the way kaiyodo did some of the joints on their mini trading figures from years ago . Although I might forgive this gundam’s offset joints, I still can’t forgive its feet.
  22. Yup, single cat lady boozin it up
  23. I’ll give it a try as well. I may hate the gundam, but I don’t mind the characters yet. The other mobile suit getting trashed in the trailer looks better, but I really only got a quick glimpse. Maybe some of the other designs are better looking and maybe the show could turn out good. as far as the split on good and bad halves, I hope this doesn’t turn out to be an almost 59 episode show. 25 ish works better for me and some of my favorite gundam stuff was around the 12 ish or less with the 90’s ova’s.
  24. That was more than 20 years ago. I think they would eventually try to do it in hg though. I think their vf19 kit was newer of course in a different scale and they did a very recent hg kit of that, but they have a thing for putting out a new version of things. Hasegawa on the other hand is usually more about putting something out with a slight change. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t doubt that Bandai will also reprint the old kit as soon as another anniversary happens. I would love to see a vf-11 and I’m pretty sure the 25 and 31 are already in the works. But I think their bigger issue with the vf-1 isn’t as much wave, but harmony gold. Bandai wouldn’t be able to make it for other countries without some kind of deal and they’re very stubborn. I remember the problems they had with the Star Wars models. And then there’s the problem for the consumer if they just did Japanese releases. It may not even be available at hlj. The recent Mospeada toys weren’t even available there.
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