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Big s

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Posts posted by Big s

  1. 36 minutes ago, jvmacross said:

    I'm curious if the Macross shows will get dubs or just subs?

    As far as the ones that have never been dubbed, they probably will. I don’t know if they’ll keep any of the existing dubs for plus and 2 though. I also don’t know if there will be odd edits in the localizations. But one thing is Disney might actually get better voice actors than something from crunchy roll.

  2. 3 hours ago, Anasazi37 said:

    Looks like the VF-1J Battroid kit is delayed until sometime in May:


    The news didn't show up on the English version of their site, but I noticed that Amazon Japan changed the release date to end of May, so I checked the Japanese version of their site and, sure enough, there it was:


    I got the email from hobbysearch a few days ago. Seems like end of May 

  3. Just watched Damsel last night and while it’s far from a perfect movie, I did actually end up liking it. I gotta say that it was perfect casting for the Dragon’s voice. Once you hear it, you immediately recognize it and wonder why she hadn’t been cast for this type of character before. It was a pretty cool design for the dragon as well even if it was noticeably cg, but it’s a made for streaming movie, so I’ll give it a pass 


    As far as complaints, and there’s quite a bit to nitpick and complain about, my biggest ones would be that she was raised as just a basic princess, yet can fight and knows how to set traps and deals with extreme pain far too well for sheltered royalty. She gets burned pretty badly several times and only the one on her leg kind of affects her. There’s many times that she takes really big falls and is barely scratched. And the crystal wall scene was way over detailed with so many crystals she’d have been cut up even if she wasn’t barefoot. I kinda expected a Diehard style walk after that.

    If you can ignore the lack of realism and take it for the dark fairy tale that it is, then it’s worth a watch. 


    I did really like the ending. I thought for sure that they’d let the prince live since he was sympathetic to the situation he was putting the sacrifices through. But I was totally glad they touched him.


  4. 1 hour ago, borgified said:

    Unfortunately this Hono version is not buff  enough to some collectors (unless that they want to be like the multiple iterations of Ken from the Barbie Movie). 🤣

    It’s more that the face looks overdone and the clothes hide all the details of the sculpt for the body making a weird mix of over and under detailed

  5. 16 minutes ago, pengbuzz said:

    Also: do not use Dijon Mustard on the model; it will stain the plastic and smell weird.

    Don't ask me how I know this; just take my word for it.

    But what if you’re trying to realistically weather a build fighters kit?

    They’re technically 1/1 scale models of models built by slobs.

  6. 7 hours ago, TangledThorns said:

    On a side note I'm rewatching BATMAN 1989 with my 9 year old daughter. She prefers it over THE BATMAN and Christopher Nolan trilogy. She did mention the gun show SFX sounds very old. lol

    I could see how a kid would love that one more. It’s dark, but not depressing. It also feels more like a comic or cartoon than the other adaptations that seem to try to be more and more real world. The newer ones have more appeal to an adult than to a child or teen 

  7. 1 hour ago, Tking22 said:

    Yeah this kind of just comes off as a supernatural John Wick riff, less Crow, he just seems like a guy with Wolverine powers and a revenge story, bummer. 

    I was thinking the same exact thing this morning. At least the supernatural thing makes the unstoppable revenge killer thing more believable though. But definitely doesn’t look or seem right.
    The biggest issue is that everything looks very bright. maybe it’s not as bad as it looks, but I don’t feel excited in the least to see this, while I’m far more interested in that other movie little Skarsgard goes for revenge in. Although that’s mostly because he has the voice of Bob and archer

  8. 2 hours ago, jvmacross said:

    Any indication whether Spiderman will make an appearance?

    The last one seemed to imply that the 2 would meet...


    I can’t remember if it was all in deleted scenes or not since I’ve only wanted to watch these once and probably never again, but I think there were teasers like posters or something even in the first one and something in Morbius. Morbius was definitely a far worse movie and I might have just dreamt about that because I kept falling asleep 

  9. 40 minutes ago, Old_Nash_II said:



    Wolverine did a yeeow, meow, and a reow in only a minute. Usually he’s only one big grumble every couple episodes.

    I’m getting close to the halfway point of season 3 and this one feels very different than the first couple seasons. The voicework and animation are really only a slight bit better, but it feels like a bigger improvement than it actually is. I don’t feel like I’m forcing myself into watching the show anymore. There’s definitely some bad writing hanging around and the voicework could still be better. 
    Banshee’s first time showing off his powers is hilarious. He jumps off a cliff and says “eeeeeeeeeeee” and I couldn’t stop laughing.
    And my favorite example of bad writing so far is an episode after the Phoenix saga ends and Scott goes back to the orphanage he grew up in. There’s a kid struggling with his mutant powers, so Scott decides to show him he’s not alone and that he’s just like the kid. He takes the kid on a walk through town having a heart to heart talk, and then actually Blows up a random building just to show that he’s also a Mutant. He could’ve shot into the sky or maybe popped a trash can, but no he goes hardcore and destroys a building and they never say if there were people inside or anything. Nobody noticed and there was no reason to do it. I rewound it a couple of times and just couldn’t stop laughing 

  10. 56 minutes ago, TangledThorns said:

    Very disappointing that it has less to do with the source material than the original film which is more evidence that Hollywood thinks its audience is dumb.

    If it was me producing the film it would be closer to the source material and filmed in black and white with a early 1990s setting.


    I’m a bit iffy on it. At Least Ozzy is on the soundtrack 

  11. 46 minutes ago, Chronocidal said:

    Do these characters actually have opening helmets or alternate heads?  Or maybe work with other existing heads?  Just wondering, since I would have expected to see pics of them by this point.

    Their faces were too ugly I guess. Or maybe they just had bad hair

  12. 1 hour ago, SteveTheFish said:

    Yes, it looks like that to me.

    So the order of the pewter (?) landing gears for the P-38 Lightning. Am I supposed to prep this somehow, or just apply some metal primer and just paint it? Do I need to soak these in lacquer thinner or something first?

    With pewter, you can just go with a basic primer, but a metal primer might help more. I used to do pewter parts and they really didn’t need much other than the basics

  13. 5 minutes ago, SteveTheFish said:

    That looks good to me! I'd say using German Gray for those dark parts would be good. Thanks! The Imai/Bandai instruction booklet color choices suck. It suggests using purple for what looks like very light gray to me. I think I might try switching to Mr. Color 66 Bright Green for the main body color after all.

    The purple may have been suggested since depending on the picture, the light grey can have a slight blueish or purplish hue. But only very slightly. The one I posted earlier just looks like very light grey.

  14. 2 hours ago, MKT said:

    Can't tell from this image if it's just shading or something, but is Gate supposed to have only one eye?


    Anyway this is a nice group image of all the Breakers team..


    Not sure. There’s an odd outline of a circle where her eye should be that doesn’t quite look eye shaped. Not sure if there’s better pictures 

  15. IMG_2318.png.67a0ca29a9fa6b03c510badc51e4fd7a.png

    2 hours ago, SteveTheFish said:

    Hey guys, I'm colorblind, so a little help would be appreciated. I have my Imai/Banda Q-Rau primed and ready for painting. I was thinking of using Tamiya XF-27 Black Green for the upper arms, thighs, feet, etc and Mr. Color 135 Russian Green 1 for the body, forearms, legs, etc. Would this be appropriate? Any suggestions?

    I already painted the feet and such with Mr. Color 136 Russian Green 2 (which is darker), but it's just not dark enough. That's why I was thinking of going with the Black Green color.

    (And FYI since there is always somebody who doesn't know what being colorblind entails, I can see colors, but sometimes my perception of color can be a bit... slippery, if that makes sense. I have to see some colors next to other colors in order for me to realize what they are. Especially red/green/brown can be confusing to me.)

    Most pictures have shown a dark grey in the upper arms, upper legs, feet, cannons and side armor at the thighs and arm guns for Miria’s colors rather than green. But I’m not particularly a color snob

    I attached a pic with the animation colors, not sure if it’s easier to see than the box art for you. I’ve known colorblind folk and sometimes it can be tricky communicating colors

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