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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. The lance is really fitting for this guy. I think the old figure just had little crab claws instead of those three fingers. It’s been a while since, so I may be mistaken about the claw thing
  2. I don’t have space for this, but really wish I did
  3. The ones with the mask look ok, but the ones without look a bit off. He kinda looks more pouty than angry and sorta looks more like his head is inflating or something
  4. Fully armored and fully armed. what were the flaps on the sides for? Are the just protective shields?
  5. Probably my favorite super robot
  6. Same here. It’s kinda worth it just to see those hidden gems
  7. Can’t wait to see how it turns out
  8. I still don’t understand how the get a tax break from removing a show from streaming. I get that’s one of the biggest reasons they did it, but I don’t think they should be allowed to do that. As far as giving marvel and Star Wars a bad name, they really don’t have to look any further than themselves for not realizing they constantly make similar mistakes over and over again and they just seem to have a hard time learning from them. Skeleton Crew so far may be the only good thing they’ve made for the service in two years, but even that show might end up being trash depending on how things go.
  9. I have prime, but still haven’t found time to watch this show. Maybe one day
  10. It’s got an odd mix of garbage and cool stuff made of garbage that you wouldn’t expect to see
  11. Some interesting figures there.
  12. Those feet do look like a cost cutting design, though they’d probably break often if it were a real world design due to that joint at the side of the thruster on only one side and being super thin and unsupported. Under stress of landing and combat use the feet and foot thrusters would end up costing more in only a short time. I do kinda feel that the backpack is interesting in that it uses its length to articulate heavy thrusters in multiple directions. They appear as aDr Who scarf, but I can see a purpose there. As far as other offset joints, they’re not my favorite design for a heavy hand to hand kind of joint because they’re not supported on the opposite sides for impact from landing and hand to hand combat. As thin as they’ve made them they appear as though they’d break easily or get bent out of alignment. It is however something you see a lot in real world industrial robot arms, but those are more the type for a simple task rather than high impact action.
  13. You need to get that prime subscription for Hundreds of Beavers. I don’t know if it’s worth watching, but I need someone to tell me why it exists
  14. Can you murder a clown by sticking him with a grenade and dumping him in the sewer
  15. Shhhh. Don’t tell anyone, maybe they won’t notice. it still stands in the top spot for animation beauty for me. It’s always been just amazing to look at
  16. I’ve been seeing a lot this kinda thing lately, where they take a piece of absolute trash and turn it into amazing space ships and other types of vehicles. I guess it’s kinda good for the environment as a bonus
  17. I don’t even mind the panel lines. It kind of gives it a cool cartoony look
  18. Definitely pink, but they did a smooth job of one of the worst colors
  19. Finally got around to watching the first two episodes and it crossed the low bar D+ set and is the best thing they’ve added in the last couple years. I get the feeling something is really creepy about the planet the kids came from since they’re all pushed heavily into getting into complex jobs that usually involve extreme math and most of the families are shown missing a parent. Like maybe if they can’t do math, they get recycled. Also kinda weird that the droids don’t want people in the forest areas. overall its pretty good so far and great to see Star Wars have some fun with things in what feels like a mix between treasure island or maybe planet and stuff like the Goonies. the only thing I really didn’t like was when Other than that I can’t really complain yet even though it does still do some of the overdone girlbossing and the male characters being more of a doof that most modern Disney stuff overdoes. I do like the Droid on the ship that Anyway, it’s good to have hope for this franchise that felt like it was dying a painful death and looking forward to see where this goes.
  20. Then I think the black in the lower legs is a bit concealing. It’s hard to tell what’s going on shape wise in the sculpt down there and would’ve probably looked better broken up with some grey or something to show the details, but as is just looks like black socks or something
  21. I’m not sure if this will ever get a ground version, since the show’s premise has to do with the colonies having underground fighting competitions. There’d have to be a drastic change that would lead them away from space, but I guess it’s always a possibility
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