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Big s

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Posts posted by Big s

  1. They may not have been my personal choice, but max and millia Valkyries have always been very popular. These also have the super packs to raise their interest.

    Most of us are just thinking of these as repainted, but to a lot of others they represent favorite characters.

    I personally agree they were too high on the list for my taste but I don't believe the poll was rigged or that the people voting were just stupid.

    We all love macross just some people tend to personalize a machine rather than look at the design.

    I really do hope that all the choices get made and maybe a couple of repaints I don't need will give me a couple of months to recover from trying to get the glaug and monster which will surely kill my wallet.

  2. The monster and q rau were my 2favorites. I knew the m and m would be popular but not that popular.

    I would have liked to see the n ger or Spartan a bit higher on the list. I would still like to eventually see them all produced.

  3. I have a friend that only knows the battletech names and another that only knows robotech names, so when I use macross names for the same mecha with them it gets stupid confusing. We end up saying stuff like the one with gun arms on 2 legs that's tan not green with a missile rack on top.(tomahawk, Excalibur, and I can't even remember the battletech name I think it was war hammer or something.)

  4. I do feel like even some of the hg kits should have decals. My cross bone kit has this chest area that is rounded. The emblem that goes there looks really great, but it's a sticker.

    I really hate stickers, but I don't want to judge anyone who uses them. I haven't built the kit hoping for a decal release, but it's been a while and I'm losing hope. I guess the point I was trying to make is that bandai makes these decals for kits from Star Wars to Macross, but not their flagship items.

    The Star Wars figure kits are basically a dressed up hg gundam. In some cases they are even simpler kits than the hg gundams, but all of the figure kits have waterslides even though they have no markings or even numbered units. I was happy when they put out decal sets for the rg mk2 and the gp01, but they haven't put them out for any rg's since.

    I guess my z'gock will also be sitting perpetually on a shelf.

  5. I have yet to open the 1s, but the grey looks darker than the 1j. Although I am looking through a plastic window, so it may be a little lighter out of the package.

    I was thinking about keeping this one mib and opening the Roy version because I don't think I would want to ever sell the roy1s with that super cool stand.

  6. For the anime it's probably correct. That show as awesome as it is had a scale system that made no sense. He regult should be able to fit pilots the height close to the vf1, but in most shots the enemy me ha would only be around waist high.

    By th way I love the work here.

  7. If the voting is up to Japan only i would imagine the q rau will be high up on the list. I personally want the monster, but most of the choices look good. I hope they eventually release them all.

  8. I'm pretty sure they don't transform and to be honest at that scale i wouldn't want them to. But when I mentioned fix pose I meant no articulation on the battroid or gerwalk. Although it is hard to tell at this point. If anyone can get some more info it would be appreciated.

  9. the mark up at image anime is a steep $90 on the regult. I think that's almost $30 higher than most Japanese sites. I have not checked all the details on their holiday discount promotion, but if it's like some other deals the more you spend on their site the more you save. It may only bring the price down a bit but to someone having trouble getting a preorder in it could be an option.

    I think I already mentioned gg infinite having the Roy 1s for $120, which again is high but they also have a holiday discount.

    Not sure on other sites but if you do a little shopping around there could be some options.

  10. They aint perty. I think I'll wait to see how the sh figuarts goes. They had prototypes for Sheryl, ranka and bretai so far.

    They aint perty. I think I'll wait to see how the sh figuarts goes. They had prototypes for Sheryl, ranka and bretai so far.

  11. For those that did not get a preorder for any hml items, some of the more expensive American sellers and websites have them on a large mark up. But most have their hooray sales going on. If there are other items those sellers have of interest you may be able to get a discount that could potentially bring the price into a much more reasonable range and may even get a discount on shipping.

  12. I had a similar problem a couple of years back with a hcm pro qubelay. The right side waist armor was doubled and had a stupid looking left side due to the mistake. I had bought it at a collectors show and didn't notice the mistake until it was too late. When these kind of mistakes happen it can be depressing.

    ( not sure on the spelling for qubelay, forgive any mistakes please.)

  13. I personally would love a non transformable 3 in one set in1/144 scale. It would make a neat little display piece.

    The gundam hcm pro 1/200 figures were a fun series and the Tamara 1/48 votoms were very articulated as well. Both lines had lots of accessories and a lot of detail for the size.

  14. Bandai kits had warnings against the use of lacquer paints on some of the mg kits for the abs parts due to reports of problems with the inner frame. The sinanju original kit was one example that people were reporting on the hobby forums. From what I understand the second release, I believe it was the anime Edition that came with the "paintable frame." On newer kits they use a new formula that is safer for painting. I am not sure if bandai uses that formula on their toys for the abs. Some of the Arcadia owners on the hobby forums that painted them reported fragile parts due to the paints, but that could have been due to other problems. I think the tamiya paints and top coat are acrylic and may be safer, but may rub off easier. On the new 1s hmr I would like to see how the arrow decals from a 1/100 kit would look on the head, If other people report no problems with the top coat i will try it out

    From my experience the testors lacquer dull coat is usually a fine product, maybe the best product testors has made. Their top coat seams to be slightly less aggressive on plastics than mr hobby, so it may be safer to use.

  15. I know bandai has improved their hard abs plastics on recent model kits, but I sometimes worry on their toys. In the past lacquer paints and primers caused abs to become brittle like on the first gen mg sinanju. As far as I can see from examples the hmr line spears to take these paints well. An acrylic dull coat may be safer, but would probably run off with continued play.

    Damn spell check. Spears was gonna be apears.

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