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Big s

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Everything posted by Big s

  1. Too rich for me
  2. Please no! That was still the worst soundtrack I’ve ever heard. It was like a bunch of preschool kids music class had a horrible New York traffic accident
  3. Another G-Line kit, this time the light armor. The standard is one of my favorites and I can’t wait to get this one as well
  4. That’s really disappointing to hear. I never bought any due to price, but had always been tempted. I guess I’ll stay clear for sure
  5. From what I’ve seen on YouTube when they interviewed them at a recent toy fair, they’ve redone the figures. They may be slightly bigger. Kinda sounds closer to G.I Joe size, but have more articulation than the og stuff while keeping to the looks of the classics. The vehicles have similar design and transformation to the originals with newer tech and new gimmicks and effects pieces. They seem to be brand new toys and not just reissues.
  6. Death is inevitable at this point, but the important thing is how your live your life. Not all of us will be immortalized in celluloid dreams, so we owe it to ourselves to live life to the fullest and try our best to leave this world with a bit of hope for the next generation.
  7. Definitely don’t see them in that condition often , if ever
  8. Was watching a video from one of the toy shows and they were showing these off. Gotta kind of wonder what this does to a company like Ramen that had basically been doing the same thing but without the license. I kinda get what Ramen was doing since nobody else was attempting to do touch this franchise with anything close to a real product and then they barely get a couple things made and another company grabs the license to make their own versions more or less at a similar size with updates to the original designs. on on hand I do feel like getting the license is the more legitimate way to do it, but it also kinda feels like without Ramen then this company probably wouldn’t have even been interested
  9. For me, it was always a bit tough to feel like music justifying a plot device in one series. Then two kinda felt a bit of a stretch. Plus at least had people kinda hypnotized by AI. 7 felt again like a stretch. Then zero at least was minimalistic in comparison. But Frontier had it as a necessity , but here we go again and delta just felt goofy again. I guess they’re gonna have to come up with a whole new badguy that’s immune to previous sound plots and has to be affected by music in a completely new way. the other issue is that the music is kinda generic, like if Taylor swift could just go to some warring region and the conflict basically ends because she put on one massive show. There needs to be better variety in the music chosen if this franchise is going to continue using pop idols as a solution to everything. Its getting to more than half a century or far more depending on the timeline of the new show from when things were originally taking place and the music feels like it’s kinda stuck in the last century. If they want this new show to be memorable, it’s really gonna have to do something strong visually, but also plot wise with the music. And it’s gonna need music that sounds far newer than what they’ve been using since most kinda sounds like lat 1990’s pop or late 1980’s rock and it’s probably gonna take place sometime past 2060
  10. They’re usually talented, but unfortunately increasingly boring with each new series after Plus
  11. Those are really cool. I’ve only seen a few of them and haven’t really seen them in box. I don’t know their actual worth, but I think there’s a thread here that shows going rates of sale for certain toys and such.
  12. The blue shading is kinda neat
  13. I don’t think it’s quite as dark as the toy, but it’s there even when it’s airborne facing upwards. I’ve started believing that it actually was supposed to be two main colors. Now it sort of makes sense why some of the sequel shows had more blue colors Maybe it would be easier to check on an episode where it’s completely upside down.
  14. That’s pretty wild. I’ve never seen a toy or model or even a replica car this color until now. And now that I’ve seen it, every scene has it that way, but my brain still wants to say it’s just shading.
  15. I was kinda wondering that, but then I watched the classic intro and it made me question whether it’s just shading or was intentionally that color to begin with. I’m not a speed racer expert, but it does appear all white in the show. Either Bandai did that weird thing they do and picked a scene where the color is different or they know something most of us don’t. there oddly appears to be a dividing line as well, but either way Bandai did their blue too dark. Still I’m not totally convinced that this isn’t just shading
  16. I think it’s trying to say he’s a space ranger with the power range of Saturn kinda surprised it says super Valkyrie VF -1D. And that it’s kit 2000. I guess they really had to celebrate that 2000 with Hello Kitty wrapping paper
  17. I remember they did that with some of the older figures
  18. It’s pretty lame. The buster sword and this one are the two most iconic weapons he had. They could easily have just included this little one in the pack rather than make someone pay around a hundred bucks mow for a tiny piece of plastic
  19. That’s cause Disney had to put a stamp on Macross now
  20. They’ll definitely do Gene, but they do skip people, so not sure about Michelle
  21. The first scene they’re shown they kinda look more blue to me when they have that chase. I think the one with that shield looked blue as well, but more of a grey hint to the blue than this toy
  22. The last I saw about an hour ago is kinda walking back the “suspicious” part of the earlier comments saying that there’s no apparent sign of foul play, but still investigating the circumstances and not ruling anything out at the moment at least not till the investigation is done. i think it will be a few days or weeks before we get a definitive answer to what might have happened. Until then there’s gonna be a lot of wild speculation going on
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