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Big s

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Posts posted by Big s

  1. I hope that this film can find a way around all this mess and be one of a start of good big budget films based on an anime. And hopefully one day we will start to see more mainstream movies starring good actors and actresses of all races. With the majority of California bent Hispanic I'm surprised we don't see more leading roles for Hispanic people, let alone other people.

  2. I really hope they resize the 1a tv pilot. He looks too small for these.

    The1a was a bit of a surprise for a September release, now I'm curious about the next release after that, probably November.

  3. I loved Visionaries as a kid. Funky Knights with hologram stickers of animals on their chest. Whenever I bring up the show or action figures to people I know, no one knows what I'm talking about. They all know g.i. Joe, Transformers and Mask, but none have heard of Visionaries.

    On one hand I'm very interested in a movie, but I can't see that as part of the same universe. Also was there a real fan base for this.

  4. I rewatched avatar not too long ago and it really doesn't hold up. When I first saw it in 3D I thought it was great. I recommended it to everyone I know. It of course was when non red blue 3D was new for full length films and it really made me feel like I was in that world. It was almost like the first time as a kid going to Disneyland and riding the Haunted mansion and being amazed at this amazing supernatural world around you. The rewatch was without 3D and it was like being an adult going on that ride and just saying things like "they did that with mirrors". Since the visuals were flattened everything wrong with the movie became visible, like the boring story or the boring characters, or the uninspired mecha that would give anyone a bad back after that drop.

  5. I have a feeling that the decision for making the Roy a web exclusive is because to bandai it's a recolor of a product that was just produced very recently. The Hikaru strike1s just came out and they may have been worried about selling basically the same product twice and still being able to keep up sales. If things go well we may see a tv hmr version of the 1s, but the question becomes will Roy or Hikaru pilot it, especially if it ends up a tv super.

    I think the old hi metal version of the 1s had Roy, but if it's a super 1s for tv Hikaru was the pilot in the show.

  6. Any one hear anything on the Max 1j having the September release tag. Was the tag a mistake or a possible web exclusive or even a dual September normal release.

  7. I saw this as soon as it appeared on Netflix and loved it. It's so over the top with blood and gore and aggression, but with a light hearted and happy tone. I really think Apple steals the show with every extremely joyous reaction to the horrible world around her.

  8. If you don't repaint or worry about filling seams super glue in small amounts should work. If the connecting points are painted over you may need to clean those up first.

    They may have upgraded to a more snap kit design due to the robotic subject, but I haven't heard anything about that.

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